Blogs about Jazz

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Jazz Team Blog

2010 June

Videos from Innovate 2010

I finally found some time to go through the video interviews that I filmed while I was at Innovate 2010 earlier this month in Orlando, FL. I was able to track down a few Jazz developers, including Erich Gamma, and I also got a few customers and partners to share a few thoughts as well. […]

The Rational Workbench for Collaborative Lifecycle Management

You may have noticed the appearance of a new project at called Rational Workbench for Collaborative Lifecycle Management. This project is an evolution of our Collaborative ALM effort focused on bringing together software development activities across requirements, development, build, and test. Why is this important? The activities involving requirements, development, build and test are […]

Social Connector for Rational Team Concert: Community Preview

Download the Community Preview Access a Lotus Connections Server (or use My developerWorks if you donot have one) Provide feedback in the forums I am thrilled to announce the community preview of Social Connector for Rational Team Concert. Developed by Mainsoft in collaboration with IBM Rational, the Social Connector brings enterprise social networks to your […]

We are at Innovate 2010

It is Sunday in Orlando, FL and the Innovate 2010 Rational Software Conference is in full swing. Here is our quick guide to Jazz at Innovate. You can see (or add to) a growing Flickr pool of photos to get a feel for the atmosphere: (Reproduced with permission of YAHOO! Inc. ©2010 YAHOO! Inc. FLICKR […]