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Jazz Team Blog

2008 March

EclipseCon 2008 Report: John Wiegand on “Influence of Digital Communities on Software Development”

(Note – this is part of a series of posts on Jazz-related activities @ EclipseCon 2008. See this entry for background.) Presenter: John Wiegand (IBM Rational Chief Architect) Talk: “Influence of Digital Communities on Software Development” Reporter: James Branigan John started by providing a simple classification of digital communities that exist today. He organized these […]

EclipseCon 2008 Report: Kimberley Peter on “Building On Eclipse In Interesting Ways – While Still Respecting Its Look and Feel”

(Note – this is part of a series of posts on Jazz-related activities @ EclipseCon 2008. See this entry for background.) Presenter: Kimberley Peter (Jazz UI Design Lead) Talk: “Building On Eclipse In Interesting Ways – While Still Respecting Its Look and Feel” Reporter: Patrick Streule Kim gave an overview of four conceptual themes that […]

EclipseCon 2008 Report: Kai-Uwe Maetzel on “What if your tools knew your team?”

(Note – this is part of a series of posts on Jazz-related activities @ EclipseCon 2008. See this entry for background.) Presenter: Kai-Uwe Maetzel (Jazz Process Lead) Talk: “What if your tools knew your team?” Reporter: Jim des Rivières Kai set the stage by telling 4 stories from everyday life that each tell us something […]

EclipseCon 2008 Report: Jean-Michel Lemieux on “Source Control in Jazz”

(Note – this is part of a series of posts on Jazz-related activities @ EclipseCon 2008. See this entry for background.) Presenter: Jean-Michel Lemieux (Jazz Source Control Lead) Talk: “Source Control in Jazz” Reporter: Jim des Rivières Jazz SCM is a modern source control system based on change-sets. Team members make changes to files; these […]

EclipseCon 2008 Report: Erich Gamma on “Developing Software like a Band Plays Jazz”

(Note – this is part of a series of posts on Jazz-related activities @ EclipseCon 2008. See this entry for background.) Presenter: Erich Gamma (Jazz Technical Lead) Talk: “Developing Software like a Band Plays Jazz” Reporter: Darin Swanson This afternoon at EclipseCon 2008, Erich gave an overview of how Rational Team Concert, built on top […]

On the way… Jazz @ EclipseCon 2008 reports

As Jean-Michel mentioned a few weeks ago, we have a strong Jazz team presence at EclipseCon 2008 in Santa Clara, California this week. Since not all community members can be at EclipseCon, but may be interested in Jazz activities there, we’re going to post reports on several of the talks that Jazz team members […]

Keeping a weekly rhythm

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Chris Daly’s entry “Some Notes on Rhythm” provides a good high-level overview of how the Jazz Project establishes a “rhythm” to make consistent and predictable progress over the course of project milestones and release cycles. In this entry I’d like to drill-down to show how we use our tools to keep a rhythm for day-to-day […]