Blogs about Jazz

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Jazz Team Blog

2016 September

Recording and automating jazz-based Docker containers

Jazz-based servers allow you to record response files to be used when calling repotools setup from the command line.  The set of properties needed to go through setup on the command line successfully aren’t particularly easy to figure out, as they aren’t in product documentation.  Customers could use an example that shows them how to use the […]… a gateway into Jazz development

Wondering what’s happening with your favorite IoT Continuous Engineering or Collaborative Lifecycle Management development tool? Do you want to know when a certain enhancement will be added? Are you curious about the content or status of an upcoming release? Use to find out. The unique, open software development approach that the Jazz team practices […]

Using Slack to perform work in an UrbanCode Deploy environment

In this post, we’re going to show you how to build a Node.js application that monitors a Slack channel and responds to commands. These commands result in a command line tool (udclient) being called against our Urbancode Deploy (UCD) server.  This will allow you to tap into a continuous delivery pipeline, and run UCD processes that your build process also invokes […]