Rational Publishing Engine (RPE) 2.1 introduced a new feature for importing a Microsoft Word template when building an RPE template. This allows you to prototype the document in a Microsoft Word template, which a new user is most likely familiar with, and then import it in RPE Studio to create an RPE template.
With Rational Publishing Engine (RPE) 2.1, you could drag and drop the web resource URL from the application you are working on (e.g. Rational DOORS Next Generation, Rational Quality Manager, Rational Team Concert, Rational Rhapsody Design Manager, Jazz Reporting Service) onto RPE Studio editor and get a new RPE template for the dropped web resource. RPE […]
Template assistant in Rational Publishing Engine (RPE) 2.1 and 2.1.1 guides new template designers with a step-by-step walkthrough on building an RPE template and the complete process up to document generation. This interactive studio guide gives a very quick introduction to various parts in RPE Studio. Guide Bar in RPE 2.1 The new guide bar in the template editor allows […]
Rational Publishing Engine (RPE) Document Builder was introduced in RPE 2.0 to allow reuse and collaboration with the new web solution. RPE Document Builder also simplifies the deployment and maintenance of RPE by providing an alternative to the RPE thick clients for generating documents. With RPE 2.1.1, an RPE administrator can pause, resume, or cancel […]
Out-of-the-box sample assets have been available in the Rational Publishing Engine (RPE) Desktop installation of RPE Document Studio and RPE Launcher for many versions. These sample assets are now included within RPE Document Builder 2.1.1. The sample assets include: RPE Templates to work with specific data sources. (e.g. Rational DOORS Next Generation, Rational Team Concert, […]
With Rational Publishing Engine (RPE) 2.1.1, we can render mathematical equations in Word and PDF documents. RPE expects input to be MathML format to be able it to render them. See examples of mathematical equations in MathML format at MathJax. Microsoft Word DOCX format has built-in support for math equations (through MathML) with an equations […]
JavaScript is one of the key components while building a Rational Publishing Engine (RPE) template. The plain JavaScript dialog editor has been improved with: Content Assist: Ctrl + space lists available variables, helps with syntax of various JavaScript functions, parameters to be passed to a function. Tip: If the variable is a data attribute from a […]
Rational Publishing Engine (RPE) 1.3 and above was already capable of configuration-aware document generation. With Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM) 6.0.3, we can use configurations of separate components in the project area to achieve re-usability. Rational DOORS Next Generation (RDNG) and Rational Quality Manager (RQM) offer the reusable solution. With RPE 1.3 (yes, 1.3) and above, we can generate […]
In continuation to What’s new in Rational Publishing Engine 2.1.1, the team has recorded videos of some of the new features/enhancements in the Rational Publishing Engine Documentation Site. Watch this space for more details on each of these new features/enhancements from Rational Publishing Engine (RPE) 2.1.1: Generate documents from fine-grained components JavaScript improvements with RPE […]
Rational Publishing Engine (RPE) had a very productive and successful 2016 year. I want to reflect on top three accomplishments during the year and let you know how you can engage with us going forward. Started with the RPE 2.1 release, which delivered a simpler way to create new templates. Users have the ability to […]