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Jazz Team Blog

2012 November

CLM 4.0.1 is here!

Even though this was a pretty quick development cycle, the CLM 4.0.1 release has something new for everyone on the team.  We’ve been busy improving all of the tools, and are happy to announce the general availability of the 4.0.1 release of Rational’s Solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management, including the 4.0.1 releases of Rational Team […]

Rational Team Concert introduces support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2012

We’re excited to share some big news! Starting with the Rational Team Concert 4.0.1 M4 milestone, Rational Team Concert works with Microsoft Visual Studio 2012. Over the last couple of months especially, we’ve put in a lot of testing  to make sure that this integration is ready for you to try. And we really want […]

An ALM solution for mobile development teams

If you work for a company building mobile applications, I suspect you’re targeting multiple device platforms, and you have an agile team of people working together to do so. Therein lies two fundamental challenges: how to enable a team of people working closely together, and how do they collaboratively develop for multiple device platforms.

Lessons learned adopting the IBM Systems and Software Engineering Solution

I recently had the opportunity to work on site with customers from all around the world on the Systems and Software Engineering (SSE) Solution Beta. I lead the SSE Jumpstart team, whose responsibility is to understand Systems customers business needs and help them adopt IBM’s new offerings. By working closely with early program customers, we […]

Chained to your laptop? Put RTC in your pocket!

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One of the coolest things about IBM is the network of thousands of IBM Business Partners.  These Business Partners, or BPs as we often call them, are constantly innovating around IBM products and are often the face of IBM to many customers. Last week, at an IBM IT Symposium, the Business Partners in the room […]