This is part 2 of a 3-part series of blog posts about Linked Lifecycle Data (read part 1). What is Linked Lifecycle Data? Linked Lifecycle Data is simply the application of Linked Data principles to data created and maintained during the lifecycle of systems and software development projects. The traditional approach to data integration Traditionally, […]
We pleased to announce availability of the 3rd installment for DOORS Next Generation, Beta 3. DOORS Next Generation has been available on since October last year, and we are now fast approaching our final Beta release in August and the first commercial release towards the end of 2012. We are excited by the enhancements […]
“I didn’t have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead.” –Mark Twain. When we interact with software, we require it does what we want it to and that it responds to our wishes quickly. The domain of software performance is all about understanding where the time goes when we […]
The results are in and the team has crunched through the data. In my previous post, Now that’s how we jam, I gave a breakdown the roles, ideas and votes cast. In this blog, I’ll focus on the popular content items by vote. With over 400 ideas expressed (see final tag cloud in image at […]
We are pleased to announce that the Rational Connector for SAP Solution Manager (version 4.0.0) is now available as a free download on With this solution, businesses can now integrate between the ALM features of SAP Solution Manager and the Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management. Utilizing industry standards, such as Open Services for […]