As mentioned by Daniel Moul in his “Coming soon: IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management V7.0.3” blog post, we have focused our enhancements across ELM in five categories. For this upcoming DOORS Next V7.0.3 release, we have specifically concentrated our efforts on mainly two of those categories: user productivity and operating at scale. First, I am very […]
IBM Rational Quality Assistant (RQA) 3.1.x is the most recent version of IBM’s tool for improving the quality of your organization’s requirements. RQA integrates with IBM DOORS Next and IBM DOORS 9 to score your requirements based on criteria consistent with the INCOSE Guide for Writing Requirements. RQA pre-trained IBM Watson AI to detect 10 […]
DOORS Next 7.0.2 brings together two themes, Usability & Consistency over ELM and reporting over requirements versions. Usability & Consistency over Engineering Lifecycle Management: Making use of traceability for change impact analysis and reporting Simplified linking: drag-drop or copy-paste links within and between requirements, tests, and work items Consistent selection of Users with an updated […]
We are proud and excited to announce the general availability of the IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management (ELM) 7.0.2 solution on! Keep your eyes peeled for upcoming blog posts highlighting the latest features included in ELM 7.0.2, including both cross-cutting and product-specific features. To get a small taste of the changes, take a look at […]
In today’s ‘new normal’, organizations are being forced to innovate their engineering processes — how they operate and deliver. Organizations understand that this transformation requires a truly agile enterprise that efficiently and effectively adopts Agile@Scale. By now most organizations that have tried to scale agile across the enterprise know that having agile development teams or […]
Building on the themes of ELM 7.0, our next release is just around the corner. Since 7.0.1 has come so soon after 7.0, we recommend that anyone planning to upgrade should go straight to 7.0.1. This blog covers releases of all Requirements Management tools including: IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next 7.0.1 IBM Engineering Requirements […]
We are proud and excited to announce the general availability of the IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management (ELM) 7.0.1 solution on! Keep your eyes peeled for upcoming blog posts highlighting the latest features included in ELM 7.0.1, including both cross-cutting and product-specific features. To get a small taste of the changes, take a look at […]
Building on the themes of ELM 7.0, our next release is just around the corner. Since 7.0.1 has come so soon after 7.0, we recommend that anyone planning to upgrade should go straight to 7.0.1. Highlights of 7.0.1 include the following: Global Configuration Management It’s easier to find and work with just the right set […]
Just another hack? MacGyver was a TV character placed in daunting situations with only his wits and a few simple items to save the day. According to a recent survey* the number one issue in product delivery today is unrealistic expectations – what is more unrealistic than MacGyver creating a defibrillator out of candlesticks, microphone […]
Don’t get caught A trap is a position or situation from which it is difficult or impossible to escape. Getting caught in product or software development requirement traps can be problematic. The traps of bad requirements definition and management result in cost overruns, missed deadlines, poorly designed products, and a failure to deliver what the […]