Jazz Jazz Community Blog Jazz Community Blog
self-hosting Rational Team Concert source control makes continuous delivery easier
Tue, 20 Aug 2013
6 min read

Rational Team Concert (RTC) has started releasing quarterly. Since large features rarely fit into such short cycles, we’re making heavy use of RTC’s branching and merging functionality. That could result in merge hell, but it doesn’t. This post will give you an idea of how the RTC team uses our own source control management system, […]

self-hosting Getting help and support for Jazz products
Wed, 9 Mar 2011
8 min read

I often get asked about the best ways to get support and answers to common questions about our Jazz-based products. I also hear some people mention that they prefer open source solutions because they think that the support is better. I have worked with quite a few open source tools, as well as Jazz-based tools, over […]

self-hosting Simplified bug reporting in Rational Team Concert
Fri, 15 Jan 2010
2 min read

Rational Team Concert has a little-known feature, which you can see in action on jazz.net, to make bug reporting more simple for your stakeholders. With this feature, project owners can specify which work item categories are visible to all users, and which categories are visible to project members only. This means you can configure your […]

self-hosting Making Agile Real
Thu, 22 Oct 2009
13 min read

The theme of Agile 2009 this year was “Making Agile Real”, and the keynote given by Alistair Cockburn is available for your watching pleasure. Although Alistair is a great speaker, during his talk I was yearning for some hints on how to map his concepts into practices. While the eternal pragmatist in me was waiting […]

self-hosting Now on Jazz.net! Rational Team Concert for System z
Fri, 21 Aug 2009
3 min read

Until now Rational Team Concert for System z has been part of the Rational Team Concert project on Jazz.net. Now’s the time for it to have it’s own space. We’ve received great feedback from our adopters so far, but we want to make it easier and more convenient to receive even more. We want the […]

self-hosting Drinking our own champagne: Using RRC 1.0 to develop the next version
Thu, 16 Jul 2009
2 min read

We’ve produced a video about IBM Rational Requirements Composer and how we have been using Version 1 to develop Version 2 features. The video shows a process to building the right solution and the various artifacts developed at each stage. (Watch this video in our jazz.net library) After you’ve watched the video, and if you […]

self-hosting Enterprise performance and scalability testing
Fri, 3 Apr 2009
14 min read

If you’ve been reading some of our previous blog posts (wan performance testing using metronome, selfhosting sizing numbers, repository workspace scalability, scaling to new heights), you’ll know that performance and scalability are very important to our team. Now that we are neck deep in testing Rational Team Concert 2.0 (RTC), it’s time to share how […]

self-hosting How scalable are repository workspaces?
Mon, 23 Mar 2009
7 min read

I was chatting with users of a rather large Rational Team Concert deployment today and they asked a very common question, “what is the footprint overhead of having repository workspaces?”. The easy answer is, don’t worry about it because disk space is cheap. But in reality, we do care about it, a lot. Imagine what […]

self-hosting Webcast: Using Rational Team Concert in a Globally Distributed Team
Tue, 6 Jan 2009
3 min read

Notice: The webcast mentioned in this blog is no longer available. We are looking into recovering the webcast. Rational Team Concert is being developed by a globally distributed team. Since we strongly believe in consuming our own output/dogfood it should be no surprise that we are use using Team Concert intensively for our own development […]

self-hosting Self-hosting by the numbers – June 2008
Wed, 9 Jul 2008
8 min read

Now that Rational Team Concert 1.0 is available, it’s time to start a series of blogs that I’ve been planning for a long time. The Jazz team has been self-hosting since the summer of 2006 and since then our infrastructure and repository have grown over time. I’d like to share with you some facts about […]

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