Jazz Jazz Community Blog What’s New in IBM Engineering Automotive Compliance V1.0.3.1

We are excited to announce the release of IBM Engineering Automotive Compliance This release further strengthens the Automotive Compliance solution to guide your engineering team’s work in an efficient manner while producing all necessary evidence for compliance as a by-product. 

Some of the highlights of this minor release include the following: 

New JRS reports show coverage and gaps in traceability of architecture model elements and Requirements, Test cases, and work items 

Traceability is an important aspect of ASPICE, ISO 26262, and ISO 21434. With the new reports, users will be able to consistently document traceability records required by ASPICE base practices like SYS.3, SWE.2, SWE.3, SWE.6, SWE.7, etc.:

  1. Requirements – Architectural Design Coverage (by Module) 
  1. Requirements with Missing Architectural Design Coverage 
  1. Architectural Design – Requirements Coverage (by Model Elements) 
  1. Architectural Design with Missing Requirements Coverage (by Model Elements) 
  1. Architectural Design – Test Coverage and Gap (by Model Elements) 
  1. Architectural Design – Plan Item Coverage and Gap (by Model Elements) 

Updated Automotive Compliance process and process library 

We updated the process we ship with Automotive Compliance to include recommendations for establishing and reporting on bidirectional traceability between requirements, architectural design, and test. 

The Automotive Compliance process now uses the new web process authoring project template that is shipped with MEC v7.6.2.1.  The new web process authoring template provides additional authoring functionality for the web client, specifically process modules that are used to specify the website table of contents. 

Updated reports for adoption of agile practices recommended by SAFe v6.0 for ASPICE base practice MAN.3: Project management 

New JRS reports implement flow metrics recommended by SAFe 6.0 to measure effectiveness at delivering value i.e., how reliably teams are achieving the planned work. These reports also help identify opportunities for improvement at every level of product development:

  1. Flow Distribution: the measure of the proportion of work items by type in a system. 
  1. Flow Efficiency: the ratio of the total time spent in value-added work activities divided by the total flow time.  
  1. Flow Load: the measure of the number of work items currently in progress (active or waiting). 
  1. Flow Time: the measure of the number of completed work items over a time period. 
  1. Flow Velocity: the measure of the time elapsed from start to completion for a given work item. 

We updated our guidance that is provided as part of the product to help you make your adoption of Automotive Compliance smoother. 

As always, we are here to help you with your adoption, so don’t hesitate to reach out. And, of course, we welcome and appreciate your feedback! 

Bhawana Gupta 
Senior Product Manager, IBM Engineering 

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