Jazz Jazz Community Blog IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management v7.0 is here!

We are extremely excited to announce the availability of the IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management (ELM) 7.0 solution on jazz.net! What you’ll be seeing is the result of months worth of person-hours, spanning some 1,800 plan items, stories, and tasks across the entire ELM product portfolio. With the general availability release of ELM 7.0, we’ve also taken steps to bring the product information of what was previously our Continuous Engineering and Collaborative Lifecycle Management product pages in to one, unified location.

You will no doubt want to take the time to look through and find out what’s new with all of the products that make up ELM 7.0. To that end, take advantage of the various postings we’ve made over the past week!

We can’t wait to hear what you think!

Reuben Varzea
jazz.net Team

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