Jazz Jazz Community Blog Introducing IBM Quick Deployer

We’re delighted to announce that IBM Quick Deployer version 1.2 is available, free to download and use from Jazz.net under a “Non-warranted Program” license. You can see more details on version 1.2 here.

IBM Quick Deployer is installation and deployment automation for IBM’s Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM) and Continuous Engineering (CE) Solutions 6.0.2, 6.0.1 and CLM 6.0 on Red Hat Linux 6.6+ using UrbanCode Deploy (UCD). It can be used to deploy CLM onto user-supplied VMs, either locally or in the cloud, including the installation and configuration of the supporting middleware (Websphere Application Server and DB2).

Quick Deployer supports the Jazz Standard Deployment Topologies. However since it uses a UCD-provided tagging mechanism (see below), users can easily distribute their applications across their servers, so many different topologies are possible. Currently only one instance of each Jazz application is supported per topology.


The detailed system requirements and limitations of version 1.2 of IBM Quick Deployer are detailed in the documentation. Only fresh install is supported at the moment; upgrade is something we would like to support in the future as is support for other platforms.

IBM Quick Deployer is developed and used internally by the CLM DevOps pipeline team. It has provided us with a flexible mechanism for building topologies and easily switching between deployment platforms. We hope you will find it useful and we’ll be very interested to hear your feedback.

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  1. g k November 10, 2015 @ 8:59 am


    Excellent tool, Is there plans to have the upgrade feature available by end of year as we are in process of doing a CLM upgrade?


  2. Clare Carty November 10, 2015 @ 9:09 am

    Thanks g.k, we’re gathering requirements for the next versions and upgrade is certainly a candidate, though we’d be looking at a 2016 release for that. There will be another version of Quick Deployer available at the end of 2015 with some enhancements for single sign on, Design Manager support and support for iFixes. Appreciate the feedback.

  3. Guido Schneider December 4, 2015 @ 4:48 pm

    Whats about Windows support?
    We have UCDeploy in place snd all our servers are windows with WAS and DB2. We do some upgrades of parts of CLM with UC but not good enough. Because the effort is quit high to automate we would like to get more from IBM.

    It should be possibke to port your Quick Deployer because most stuff should be OS independent.
    What do you think?


  4. Clare Carty December 8, 2015 @ 3:54 pm

    Hi Guido, Quick Deployer support that is operating system agnostic is also on our list of to-dos for 2016.

  5. Dieter Paul February 24, 2016 @ 1:09 am

    A “out of the box” solution with IBM support would be nice :-)

    When we looked at the first version of Quick Deployer there were too many restrictions (Windows, Oracle, iFixes, no update) for usage.

    In the meantime, we developed our own UCD solution and is it planned to upgrade our environments (15+ productive, several Q and tests systems) from 5.0.2 to 6.0.1 completely with UCD

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