Most organizations are unlikely to invest in separate infrastructures and separate tools to cater to teams working on different technology stacks. If you are working towards a common solution, then irrespective of technological affiliations you are likely to have the teams follow one plan, one process, one common build infrastructure, common feeds and one common way of exchanging data and information between the team members.
Allowing teams to use a common set of collaboration tools as they move between technologies, such as C#, Java, or C/C++, lets them to focus on their domain and less about the tools.
The following three videos feature heterogeneous teams working towards one goal, collaborating using all the Team Concert (RTC) Clients: the web browser, the client for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE, and the client for Eclipse.
The 3-part demo:
More about the demo:
The scenario shown in the video is a product that is being developed that includes a server which is written in Java, and a rich client developed in C#. Each is developed using the developer’s IDE of choice.
The videos show how a heterogeneous team can work together to fix a broken build. We have Cindy Sharp, a C# developer, working on the client piece of an Echo Client Server Project, and using RTC client for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE. On the server side, we have Jerry Java, working with the RTC client for Eclipse. And finally we have the project lead/build manager who exclusively uses the Web Client.
The demo starts with the project lead logging a work item against a build via the web client. He assigns the defect to Cindy in the Client team. Cindy creates a repository workspace from the faulty build, reproduces the defect and investigates. She finds that it’s not a client side defect and assigns it to Jerry on the server side. The team communicates via discussions attached to the work item that was logged against the build.
Jerry investigates, finds the problem, fixes it and requests Cindy to verify that it works. She downloads the new server attached to the new build, verifies the defect and adds her verification comments to the work item.
This demo highlights how discussions happen in work items, how the same process applies to all members of the team, how build artifacts from server team are consumed by the client team, and so on. Finally, we get to see how we can read the team’s newspaper, i.e. the feeds that capture everything that happened during the demo.
I used Rational Team Concert M2, while recording these demos.
Sandeep Kohli
Development Lead for Rational Team Concert Client for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE
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Hi Sandeep,
what’s the defination of Heterogeneous development. Refer to your description, I feel that it is for different teams whose development tech and used IDE are different. Is my understanding correct? Thanks
Nice demo – thanks Sandeep
Yes John Chang, you are right :-)
However, let me take this opportunity to elaborate some more.
When I use the term “Heterogeneous development”, I imply that teams have different preferences with regards to their choice of development IDE, the choice of operating system, the choice of their implementation language as well as the choice of their hardware platform.
Due to ease of recording the demo, I showed RTC eclipse client on Windows operating system, but it could very well have been on a a completely different hardware and operating system and yet the scenario in this demo would not have changed.
Really it’s a great demo. I’ll try to elaborate a similar demo in order to sale the product (if you don’t mind). Your script is truly well elaborated.
Thanks Sandeep and keep the good work.
What would be best practice for existing source code in Visual Source Safe?
There doesn’t seem to be a VSS Bridge or import from VSS to RTC going by the discussions at:
If these do not answer your question, please post a new one on the forums