Jazz Jazz Community Blog Video: What is new in RTC 2.0 Web UI

Enthused by seeing the jazz.net redesign coming to fruition (also probably due to an excessively caffeinated state), I took it upon myself to create a short video. The goal was to make a cross-section of all that is new and shiny in the upcoming Rational Team Concert 2.0 Web User Interface. I am proud to announce that the fruit of my labor is ready for your perusal, along with director’s commentary here in the blog.

Things I learned while making the video:

  1. Even a 10 minute demo in Camtasia is hard work! Lining up the scenes, recording them, recording the voice-over (5 bloopers for 1 good take :-). It all takes time.
  2. Good microphone matters.
  3. Even with a good microphone, you are bound to be disappointed (“Do I really sound like that”)?
  4. I lost count how many times I thought “OMG you can do THAT in the Web UI now?” while preparing the material. I felt like an idiot for firing up the Eclipse client to change the project area for a work item – apparently you can do that from the Web UI. Oh well.
  5. It is hard to fit all the new stuff in a 10 minute demo – there is a lot of goodness to show.
  6. For some reason it was hard for me to clearly say “with its wealth of REST services”. Who needs “she sells sea shells…” when you have that.

Seriously now, RTC 2.0 Web UI is very cool – see for yourself in the video below.

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