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Jazz Team Blog


What’s new for IBM Engineering 7.0.3 administrators?

As part of the recent IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management (ELM) 7.0.3 release, I want to highlight some important changes that likely will matter to you if you are an administrator of ELM systems. Optimizations There are two key optimization improvements that are available with ELM 7.0.3. LQE rs – following on from the DOORS Next […]

What’s new in IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management 7.0.1 serviceability?

As part of the recent IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management (ELM) 7.0.1 release, there are some serviceability-related items to highlight. In Engineering Test Management (ETM), two new resource-intensive scenarios related to exporting to PDF or CSV were registered and documented. As scenario is considered resource-intensive if it is regularly known to drive sufficient load on an […]