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Rational Rhapsody

CLM 4.0.2 is here!

This release marks the first release in a new quarterly release rhythm for CLM. Some of you might be thinking “Does this mean I need to upgrade every quarter?!” The answer is “No, we don’t expect you to do that.” We understand that upgrades involve significant planning and testing, and most of you will plan […]

CLM 4.0.1 is here!

Even though this was a pretty quick development cycle, the CLM 4.0.1 release has something new for everyone on the team.  We’ve been busy improving all of the tools, and are happy to announce the general availability of the 4.0.1 release of Rational’s Solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management, including the 4.0.1 releases of Rational Team […]

Lessons learned adopting the IBM Systems and Software Engineering Solution

I recently had the opportunity to work on site with customers from all around the world on the Systems and Software Engineering (SSE) Solution Beta. I lead the SSE Jumpstart team, whose responsibility is to understand Systems customers business needs and help them adopt IBM’s new offerings. By working closely with early program customers, we […]

Announcing Design Management 4.0 for Rational Software Architect and Rational Rhapsody

I am excited to announce that today the Design Manager 4.0 support for Rational Software Architect (RSA) is generally available and that the support for Rational Rhapsody will be coming on September 21st. This is a very big release for Design Manager; in my opinion even more significant than the initial release in June 2011. […]

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