Jazz Jazz Community Blog CLM 2011 is here: Rational Team Concert, Rational Quality Manager, and Rational Requirements Composer 3.0.1 now available

As you’ve no doubt seen from our many recent blog posts, we’ve been counting down the days to our CLM 2011 release. I’m thrilled to announce that the release is now here! You can learn more about the release on the project pages for Rational Team Concert, Rational Quality Manager, and Rational Requirements Composer, or jump right in and try it out for yourself:

All three products in this Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management share a common server install. This means you can install any of the products to try out all three. The common server install will allow you to deploy the following:

  • A Jazz Team Server
  • Any of the three CLM applications that connect to a shared Jazz Team Server: Change and Configuration Management (CCM), Quality Management (QM) and Requirements Management (RM)
  • Trial license keys for Rational Team Concert, Rational Quality Manager and Rational Requirements Composer that will let you to access the capabilities provided by the Jazz Team Server and the applications

While all three products utilize the same server, each product may make additional tools available that are intended to run on other machines. For example, Rational Team Concert has a Client for Eclipse IDE as well as a Client for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE, a build system toolkit for running Jazz-based builds, and synchronizers for integrating with Rational ClearCase and Rational ClearQuest. Rational Quality Manager includes a number of utilities, as well as adapters for HP LoadRunner and HP Quick Test Professional.

When you make your way to a 3.0.1 product download page, you’ll see that there are a number of tabs:

  • Getting Started guides you through the steps of planning a deployment, installing and configuring a server, installing optional tools, and exploring the capabilities of the products
  • Featured Download features a button to quickly download the web installer for a server as well as detailed information about the different kinds of licenses for that product
  • New & Noteworthy highlights the new features in this release
  • Release Notes details any issues you should know about before you install and use the software
  • Optional Programs includes information and links about supporting programs for advanced deployments
  • All Downloads includes the complete set of links to all the different kinds of downloads for the product of your choice

If you encounter any issues or you have any questions, please remember that you can post in our forums or submit work items. We look forward to your feedback.

Adrian Cho
Development Manager, Collaborative Lifecycle Management

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  1. Joseph Chang June 14, 2011 @ 4:49 am

    When will RTC 3.0.1 for z/OS be available?

  2. Ralph Schoon June 14, 2011 @ 5:40 am

    Hi Joseph, all platforms are released together. There is no seperate project anymore. See https://jazz.net/downloads/rational-team-concert/releases/3.0.1?p=allDownloads for the various packages, including Z.

  3. Adrian Cho June 14, 2011 @ 10:26 am

    @Joseph (and @Ralph), we are aiming to make the SMP/E package for z/OS available at the end of June.

  4. Yanping Lu August 12, 2011 @ 9:00 am

    can anybody explain the relationship aomng Jazz fundation, Team concert, quality management and requirement composer?

  5. Adrian Cho August 12, 2011 @ 3:02 pm

    Yanping, Jazz Foundation is a a platform that includes both functional services and integration services. What we deliver in the CLM products is something called the Jazz Team Server (JTS). You can think of it as the reference implementation for the Jazz Foundation Services. To learn more about this and how our story for the Jazz platform is evolving, I suggest you read this page: https://jazz.net/projects/jazz-foundation/.

    In addition to the Jazz Team Server, CLM products all include three applications – Change and Configuration Management (CCM), Quality Management (QM) and Requirements Management (RM). JTS, CCM, QM and RM all provide capabilities that are unlocked using license keys and this is where the notion of products comes in. There are three products – Rational Team Concert (RTC), Rational Quality Manager (RQM) and Rational Requirements Composer (RRC). A license such as RTC Developer permits access to a set of capabilities provided by one or more of the applications. I suggest you read this post: https://jazz.net/blog/index.php/2010/08/16/building-products-from-applications/ to get more detail about this.

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