Jazz Jazz Community Blog Requirements and lifecyle links: A short tour of RRC Beta 2a

We have been getting a lot of good feedback about the latest beta of Rational Requirements Composer (RRC). To share the good news more widely and to compliment Daniel’s blog post, Rational Requirements Composer Beta 2a big step forward, we produced this video tour:

If you like what you see in this video, I encourage you to download a recent milestone build*:

Create the sample project, and give us your feedback by posting in the RRC forum or the CLM forum or by submitting bugs and requests in our work item system.

To help you explore Rational Requirements Composer and lifecycle links, we offer these two scenarios that you can follow (registration required):

Robin Bater
Requirements Definition & Management Community of Practice Architect

* Our lawyers would like me to remind you that these are not finalized plans or commitments … just work in progress, and plans are subject to change without notice. See the Terms of Use.

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  1. Tony Kambourakis February 15, 2011 @ 6:00 pm

    Hi Robin,

    Thank you for your post.

    Can you comment on whether the team will be implementing integration between RRC and Rational Software Architect in order to achieve traceability between requirements and model elements? This would function as per the existing Rational Requirements Professional RSA plugin.

  2. Jared Pulham February 16, 2011 @ 4:48 pm


    The ability to link and integrate to RSA as well as other modelling tools is on the RRC roadmap for a future release. As you’ve seen from Robin’s demo it is not an integration that will be available in this release of RRC. Our primary focus is on RTC and RQM. However we do understand the priority of being able to support modelling (through RSA) and we hope to support it in a near term release.

    Jared Pulham
    Product Manager, RM Tools

  3. Brad Middleton February 18, 2011 @ 10:48 am

    Are there plans to enable multiple file Upload?

  4. Alexander Schinko February 28, 2011 @ 6:08 am

    Will there be requirement management features like the Traceability Matrix of ReqisitePro in RRC 3.0?

  5. Robin Bater February 28, 2011 @ 5:27 pm

    Hi Brad, this is a long outstanding request of mine that needs more customers requesting to get it bumped up in the priority.

  6. Robin Bater March 4, 2011 @ 10:36 am

    In the next version of RRC you can see requirements and their attributes, as a trace tree or by including the trace links as columns – similar idea to the trace matrix but not the same UI. The artifact view also allows multiple requirement types to be shown/edited at the same time

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