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Does Rational Team Concert integrate?

We get this question all the time: “Does Rational Team Concert integrate with product x or tool y?” or, “How do I continue to use my current solution while beginning to adopt RTC?”

Maybe you’ve asked the same question.

To help with some answers, we put together a few pages all about Rational Team Concert integrations. We’ve organized them by category and also tried to provide useful links to each integration’s home page and a page where you can learn more about using the integration. We fully expect this content to evolve and grow as more integrations are developed and as more information is made available.

So take a look at our Rational Team Concert integrations page, and give us your feedback!

If you don’t see what you are looking for, let us know what you’re interested in. And if you know of an integration that’s not listed there (or if you have better information about an integration), tell us about it!

Seth Packham Website Lead