At the end of each Rational Team Concert iteration, we organize demos. It’s a great way to show progress, get others to try out your new features, and force features to be runnable. For this release, I’ve decided to share a snippet of an iteration demo and walk through a quick tour of the most notable enhancements in Rational Team Concert
Rational Team Concert New and Noteworthy Video
As there are too many new features to be shown in the video, here is a quick overview of the top items as listed in the new and noteworthy for this release:
- Windows 7 and DB2 9.7 support.
- Symbolic links can be added to source control on Unix platforms.
- Support for storing MSTest, NUnit, and CppUnit test results in a build.
- You can create and instantiate work item templates.
- Work item history, external compare integration, and deliver and resolve is now available in the Team Concert client for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE.
- Electronic signatures can be added to work item state transitions.
- Work items can be automatically split between iterations to keep time tracking information in the right place.
- Improved navigation of plans – you can move back and forth between related plans in the plan editor.
- A new process advisor allows restricting state transitions for work items based on the approvals on the work item.
- You can check-in, lock, and edit files directly from the web ui.
- Much improved Scrum template with a simpler setup, automatic plan creation, and backlog plan and iteration. This makes it a lot easier to get acquainted to scrum with Team Concert.
- Several key C/ALM integrations and features now supported such as bulk creation of plan items from a requirements collection, more traceability between artifacts in other repositories.
On behalf of the entire Rational Team Concert team, happy holidays and enjoy
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