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updated.png Performance datasheets by product

Authors: Rob Aube, GrantCovell
Build basis: Products, editions and versions as applicable

This page is a central location for linking CLM-specific performance datasheets and performance-related case studies. This page is organized by product. You may also view this information by release.

Rational Design Manager (RDM)

Jazz.net library article: Rational Design Manager performance and scalability (September 30, 2013; Celso Gonzalez)

Rational Quality Manager (RQM)

Collaborative Lifecycle Management performance report: Rational Quality Manager 5.0 release (June 2, 2014; Jeff Pang)

Collaborative Lifecycle Management performance report: Rational Quality Manager 4.0.6 release (February 28, 2014; Felix Chen)

Collaborative Lifecycle Management performance report: Rational Quality Manager 4.0.5 release (December 6, 2013; Felix Chen)

Jazz.net library article: Rational Quality Manager 3.0.1 server sizing guide

Rational Requirements Composer (RRC) & DOORS Next Generation (RDNG)

new.png Collaborative Lifecycle Management performance report: RDNG 5.0.2 (Gustaf Svensson; December 8, 2014)

Collaborative Lifecycle Management performance report: RDNG 5.0.1 (September 9, 2014; Gustaf Svensson)

Sizing and tuning guide for Rational DOORS Next Generation version 5.0 (August 14, 2014; Balakrishna Kolla)

Collaborative Lifecycle Management performance report: RDNG 5.0 (June 2, 2014; Gustaf Svensson)

Rational Requirements Composer Project Sizing Recommendations (April 14, 2014; Shubjit Naik, Erik Craig)

Collaborative Lifecycle Management performance report: RRC 4.0.6 release (February 28, 2014; Gustaf Svensson)

Collaborative Lifecycle Management performance report: RRC 4.0.5 release (December 6, 2013; Gustaf Svensson)

Collaborative Lifecycle Management performance report: RRC 4.0.4 release (August 29, 2013; Gustaf Svensson)

Jazz.net library article: Rational Requirements Management 4.0.1 sizing and tuning guide

Jazz.net library article: IBM Rational Requirements Composer 3.0.1 server sizing guide

Rational Team Concert (RTC)

new.png Plan Loading Performance Improvements in RTC 5.0.2 (Filip Wieladek, Kevin Garsjo; December 8, 2014)

Plan Loading Performance Improvements in RTC 5.0.1 (September 9, 2014; Daniel Pool, Vladimir Zahariev)

Collaborative Lifecycle Management performance report: RTC 5.0 release (June 2, 2014; Chetna Warade)

Web caching performance improvements in Rational Team Concert 5.0 (June 2, 2014; John S. Cox)

ClearCase Version Importer performance report: Rational Team Concert 4.0.6 release (March 6, 2014; Masa Koinuma Cunxia Sun)

Collaborative Lifecycle Management performance report: RTC 4.0.6 release (February 28, 2014; Chetna Warade)

Collaborative Lifecycle Management performance report: RTC 4.0.5 release (December 6, 2013; Chetna Warade)

Collaborative Lifecycle Management performance report: RTC 4.0.4 release (August 29, 2013; Chetna Warade)

Case study: RTC plan loading performance (July 11, 2013; Grant Covell, Chetna Warade, Michael Fiedler)

Jazz.net library article: Case Study: Examining Rational Team Concert performance with WebSphere Application Server and Tomcat

Jazz.net library article: Rational Team Concert 3.0 sizing guide

Rational Team Concert Enterprise Extensions (RTC EE)

Rational Team Concert for z/OS Performance Improvement of Source Code Data Collection and Query in 5.0 (June 2, 2014; Su Hui)

Rational Team Concert For ZOS Performance Comparison Between Releases (June 2, 2014; Su Hui)

Rational Team Concert Enterprise Extension zIIP Offload Performance in 5.0 (June 2, 2014; Lu Lu)

Rational Team Concert for z/OS Enterprise Extension promotion improvement in 5.0 (June 2, 2014; Lu Lu)

Rational Team Concert for z/OS Performance 4.0.6 (February 28, 2014; Su Hui)

Rational Team Concert for z/OS Performance Impact of Java API Adoption In 4.0.6 (February 28, 2014; Su Hui)

RTCEE for System Z Performance Testing (December 12, 2013; Jorge Diaz)

Rational Team Concert for z/OS Performance Impact of Java JFS API Adoption In 4.0.5 (December 6, 2013; Su Hui)

Rational Team Concert for System z sizing report: RTC 4.0.4 release(February 12, 2014; Joseph Lu)

Jazz.net library article: Rational Team Concert 4.x sizing report for z/OS

RTC EE performance datasheets and sizing report: RTC EE performance datasheets and sizing report


CLM reliability report: CLM 5.0 release (June 2, 2014; Jeff Pang)

CLM reliability report: CLM 4.0.6 release (February 28, 2014; Mark Gravina)

CLM reliability report: CLM 4.0.5 release (December 6, 2013; Mark Gravina)

Rational Engineering Lifecycle Manager (RELM)

Rational Engineering Lifecycle Manager (RELM) performance report 5.0.1 (November 17, 2014; Aanjan Hari, Somashakar Kannan)

Rational Engineering Lifecycle Manager (RELM) performance report: 5.0 release (August 6, 2014; Aanjan Hari)

Rational Engineering Lifecycle Manager (RELM) performance report: 4.0.6 release (April 16, 2014; Vivek Jaykrishnan)


Data Collection Component (DCC)

new.png Collaborative Lifecycle Management performance report: Data Collection Component Performance (DCC) 5.0.2 release (December 8, 2014; Peng Peng Wang)

new.png Performance Tuning Guide for Data Collection Component on Oracle DB (December 8, 2014; Peng Peng Wang)

Collaborative Lifecycle Management performance report: Data Collection Component Performance (DCC) 5.0.1 release (September 9, 2014; Peng Peng Wang)

Collaborative Lifecycle Management performance report: Data Collection Component Performance (DCC) 5.0 release (June 2, 2014; Peng Peng Wang)

Export Transform Load (ETL)

Collaborative Lifecycle Management performance report: Export Transform Load (ETL) 5.0.1 release (September 9, 2014; Peng Peng Wang)

Collaborative Lifecycle Management performance report: Export Transform Load (ETL) 5.0 release (June 2, 2014; Peng Peng Wang)

Collaborative Lifecycle Management performance report: Export Transform Load (ETL) 4.0.6 release (February 28, 2014; Wang Peng Peng)

Collaborative Lifecycle Management performance report: Export Transform Load (ETL) 4.0.5 release (December 6, 2013; Wang Peng Peng)

Case Study: Comparing Data Manager ETL performance between CLM 4.0.3 and 4.0.4 (October 9, 2013; Wang Peng Peng)

RRDI 2.0.x sizing guidelines (July 17, 2013; Rosa Naranjo)


CLM Sizing Strategy (April 11, 2014; Grant Covell, Poornima Seetharamaiah)

Performance impact of different vCPU sizes within a VMWare hypervisor (July 29, 2013; Joseph Stellrecht, Vaughn Rokosz)

Performance impact of sharing a Jazz Team Server (July 24, 2013; Joseph Stellrecht, Vaughn Rokosz)

Collaborative Lifecycle Management 2012 Sizing Report (Standard Topology E1)

Jazz.net library article: Rational Software Architect Design Manager 4.0.1 Performance And Sizing Report

Jazz.net library article: IBM Rational Software Architect Design Manager 4.0 Performance And Sizing Report

Jazz.net library article: Collaborative Lifecycle Management 2011 Sizing Guide

Questions and comments:
  • What other performance information would you like to see here?
  • Do you have performance scenarios to share?
  • Do you have scenarios that are not addressed in documentation?
  • Where are you having problems in performance?

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