r83 - 2023-11-09 - 17:10:05 - MichaelRoweYou are here: TWiki >  Deployment Web > DeploymentAdminstering

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Section technical leaders and senior editors: RalphSchoon, TimFeeney, PatrickRemington, RichRakich

Properly configuring and tuning the components of a Rational solution is critical. The following sub-sections cover some of the issues and concerns and provide guidance and best practice for configuring and tuning a Rational solution.

For instructions on performing the basic installation and configuration of the components of a Rational solution, see the relevant knowledge center documentation. This content is intended to supplement and extend this basic documentation.

Tuning a Rational solution for optimal performance or other non-functional requirements is challenging. User loads and usage patterns are always changing, and the constant change affects how you should tune your environment. In other words, you are dealing with a moving target. You want to tune your environment to work efficiently for the majority of the workload profiles that your solution will support. For basic information to keep in mind when you tune your Rational environment, see the tuning general guidance.

Tool usage

* uc16.png User Administration Landing Page - Story 138789

* uc16.png Setting up Projects Landing Page - Story 138341

* uc16.png Enacting your process with Rational Team Concert landing page - Story 92244

Other considerations

Application servers



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Deployment.DeploymentAdminstering moved from Deployment.DeploymentConfiguringAndTuning on 2015-01-23 - 17:54 by Main.sbeard -
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