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IBM Quick Deployer setup and runupdated.png

Authors: ThomasPiccoli, KennethThomson, JenniferLiu, KenTessier, ClareCarty
Build basis: CLM 6.0, CLM 6.0.x, CE 6.0.x

The following setup procedure explains how to install, configure, and run IBM Quick Deployer to deploy CLM/CE systems. The setup information should help you with these tasks:

  • Size your system and plan your topology.
  • Understand what middleware is required and assemble all the installation bits for IBM Quick Deployer to install.
  • Edit the configuration files (e.g ldap, user, database properties) in the Quick Deployer package to customize your Quick Deployer install.
  • Import the IBM Quick Deployer application and its components into UCD.
  • Create the Quick Deployer environment to represent the desired application topology you want to install.
  • Run the Install Applications process to deploy the CLM/CE system.
  • For an end to end example of a deployment to Windows, see Example of end to end deployment on Windows using Quick Deployer
  • For an example of how to leverage the blueprints included with Quick Deployer, see How to use the topology blueprints included with Quick Deployer


  1. Define your desired topology. See Standard Topology Overview for details.
  2. Review the System requirements.
  3. Review the Limitations and known issues.


  1. Ensure that you have an IBM UrbanCode Deploy server set up and that you have created the necessary accounts with the required permissions.
  2. Ensure that you have set up the target VMs to match your desired topology.
  3. Obtain and license the following middleware and product installation bits:
    • IBM WebSphere Application Server or IBM WebSphere Liberty (bundled with CLM/CE)
    • IBM HTTP Server
    • IBM DB2, Oracle, or SQL Server database server
    • (one of) Collaborative Lifecycle Management 6.0 or 6.0.x or Continuous Engineering Solution 6.0.x
    • IBM Installation Manager
  4. Configure and expose the installation bits on a media server, or add them to each target VM - Installation media.
  5. Ensure you have the required accounts and passwords for your LDAP server.

Install the Quick Deployer application into UrbanCode Deploy

  1. Download and extract the IBM Quick Deployer package from the compressed file into a location where you can run Java. The package includes - Package content.
  2. Install the IBM Quick Deployer application into IBM UrbanCode Deploy by customizing your properties files and then running the install.jar file.

Optional configuration tasks

Create an UrbanCode Deploy application environment

Install the CLM or CE applications

Post-installation tasks

  1. Configure backups of the Lifecycle Query Engine (LQE) and Link Index Provider (LDX) applications. To configure a schedule of backup operations for these applications, navigate to the application administration pages in the web client (https://host-name:port-number/lqe/web/admin/backup and https://host-name:port-number/ldx/web/admin/backup), then click Edit and enter the schedule information. By creating scheduled backups of these applications, you can restore the applications to a prior state. For details, see Backing up and restoring Lifecycle Query Engine.
  2. Review and adjust WebSphere Application Server or WebSphere Liberty settings. See WebSphere Application Server Knowledge Center or WebSphere Application Server Liberty Knowledge Center. These are the default settings that are updated by Quick Deployer:
    • JVM maximum and minimum heap size:
      • 2g if total RAM is less than 4GB
      • 4g if total RAM is between 4GB-6GB
      • 6g if total RAM is between 6GB-7.5GB
      • 75% of total RAM if total RAM is greater than 7.5GB
    • The WebContainer Thread pool maximum and minimum sizes are set to 200.
    • Session Management
      • Added a new custom Property: InvalidateOnUnauthorizedSessionRequestException=true.
      • Unchecked the Enable Cookies option.
  3. Configure a license server - License key management.
  4. Optionally, set up an NTP system clock after installation - Configuring the NTP system clock.
  5. Optionally, update component artifacts.

Maintenance tasks

When you run the installer, you can set the database parameters, LDAP parameters, and user credentials. However, you might want to change some of these settings after the installation is complete. To make such changes, perform these tasks:



  • Throughout the IBM Quick Deployer wiki the screen captures are for reference only.
    In some cases if the functionality they display has not changed in the latest release they will be from a previous release

Related topics:

External links:

Additional contributors: MichelleCrane, NathanBak, ChristianLopez

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