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IBM Quick Deployer updating Rational_QD_SystemPre-Requisite_60x* component parameters updated.png

Authors: ThomasPiccoli, KennethThomson, JenniferLiu, KenTessier, ClareCarty
Build basis: CLM 6.0, CLM 6.0.x, CE 6.0.x

Before you run the UrbanCode Deploy Install Applications application process, you must set the default LDAP, user credentials, and database parameters. You can set these parameters when you run the installer by entering the values in the ldap.properties, userCreds.properties, and database.properties files, which are included in the Quick Deployer package. Quick Deployer stores the LDAP, user, and database parameter values in the Rational_QD_SystemPre-Requisite_60x component. This topic describes how to permanently store an updated set of these parameter values in the Rational_QD_SystemPre-Requisite_60x component by running the installer again and specifying the COMPONENT_ONLY argument. The COMPONENT_ONLY argument directs the installer to update the Rational_QD_SystemPre-Requisite_60x component but not perform any of the other installation tasks.

Alternatively, you can set the parameters by running the following application processes:

To run the above application processes, you must have an environment. For details on creating an environment, see UCD environment construction. When you run these application processes, they generate the following properties files, which capture the settings on the target environment:

  • /IBMQD/QuickDeployer/resources/AutomationPrep/DatabaseParameters/db2Parameter.properties
  • /IBMQD/QuickDeployer/resources/AutomationPrep/DatabaseParameters/oracleParameter.properties
  • C:\IBMQD\QuickDeployer\resources\AutomationPrep\DatabaseParameters\sqlserverParameter.properties
  • /IBMQD/QuickDeployer/resources/AutomationPrep/linux/UserParameters/userCreds.properties
  • /IBMQD/QuickDeployer/resources/AutomationPrep/CustomLDAP/Custom_LDAPSecurity.properties

You can copy these properties files from a VM in the target environment to the directory where you run the installer, make any additional changes to them, edit the qd.properties file to point to them, and then run the installer with the COMPONENT_ONLY argument.

Update UCD Rational_QD_SystemPre-Requisite_60x component

  1. Edit the parameter values in one or more of the ldap.properties, userCreds.properties, database.properties, and qd.properties files. Note: Check each of the properties files to ensure that they contain the desired settings so that you do not inadvertently update settings by using an old version of a properties file. For example, after the first time that you run the installer to install the Quick Deployer application into IBM UrbanCode Deploy, you might change some parameters by running one or more of the application processes listed above. When you run the installer again, as shown below, it updates those application processes based on the settings in the properties files. A scenario where you might inadvertently introduce unwanted changes to an application process is as follows: When you run the installer the first time, you decide not to provide a link in the qd.properties file to the ldap.properties file. Instead, after the installer completes successfully, you provide the default LDAP paramters by running the Change Default LDAP Parameters application process. Later, you decide to run the installer again, as shown below, after changing one setting in the qd.properties file. Because you did not provide a link to the ldap.properties file in the qd.properties file the first time that you ran the installer, you must do so now, and the ldap.properties file must contain the same settings that you previously specified when you ran the Change Default LDAP Parameters application process. Otherwise, the installer removes your parameter settings from the Change Default LDAP Parameters application process.
  2. Run the installer and specify the COMPONENT_ONLY argument, which directs the installer to update the Rational_QD_SystemPre-Requisite_60x component but not perform any of the other installation tasks. For example:
C:\qd>java -jar install.jar C:\qd.properties COMPONENT_ONLY
Publishing new component.
Publishing component Rational_QD_SystemPre-Requisite_604 version 20170609-1121.
Component version creation successful.
Created and published Rational_QD_SystemPre-Requisite_604 20170609-1121.



  • Throughout the IBM Quick Deployer wiki the screen captures are for reference only.
    In some cases if the functionality they display has not changed in the latest release they will be from a previous release

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Additional contributors: MichelleCrane, NathanBak, ChristianLopez

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