IBM Quick Deployer setup and run updated.png

Authors: ThomasPiccoli, KennethThomson, JenniferLiu, KenTessier, ClareCarty
Build basis: CLM 6.0, CLM 6.0.x, CE 6.0.x

The following setup procedure explains how to install, configure, and run IBM Quick Deployer to deploy CLM and CE systems. The setup information should help you with these tasks:

  • Size your system
  • Import the IBM UrbanCode Deploy application and its components
  • Import the IBM Quick Deployer scripts used by the UrbanCode Deploy components
  • Understand which middleware is required and get IBM Quick Deployer to install it
  • Configure the UrbanCode Deploy application and component processes to match your environment (such as user names, passwords, LDAP settings)
  • Optionally configure the UrbanCode Deploy application to use an existing IBM DB2 instance
  • Configure UrbanCode Deploy environments to represent the desired application topology
  • Run the Install Applications process to deploy the system

Installation, configuration and run outline

  1. Review the System requirements.
  2. Review the Limitations and known issues.
  3. Download and extract the IBM Quick Deployer package from the compressed file. The package includes - Package content
    • Application JSON file
    • Component version .zip files
    • Component version extract, add and update scripts
    • Tag create scripts
    • License files
  4. You must obtain and license the following middleware and product installation bits through standard IBM mechanisms:
    • IBM WebSphere Application Server
    • IBM HTTP Server
    • IBM DB2 database server
    • (one of) Collaborative Lifecycle Management 6.0 or 6.0.x or Continuous Engineering Solution 6.0.x
  5. Configure and expose the installation bits on a shared NFS media server or add them to each target VM - Installation media
  6. Deploy the latest version of IBM UrbanCode Deploy.
  7. Install and configure an UrbanCode Deploy application - Application setup
    • Create the Rational QD CLM team on the UrbanCode Deploy server and add an admin user
    • Create the Team Member role
    • Add the Rational QD CLM team to any existing UrbanCode Deploy agents
    • Import and configure the application from the supplied JSON file
  8. Load the component code - Component version setup
  9. Set fixed component versions on application processes - Set fixed component versions
  10. Create agent tags - Create agent tags
  11. Overview of how Quick Deployer uses UrbanCode Deploy component mapping and agent tagging - Mapping and tagging rules for Quick Deployer
  12. Create an application environment - Environment construction
    • Create an UrbanCode Deploy resource
    • Create an UrbanCode Deploy environment
    • Add agents to the environment
    • Map components to the agents
    • Tag agents with middleware and application designators
  13. Follow this step to save a permanent set of LDAP, User and DB parameters for future use
  14. Alternatively follow these steps to individually update the LDAP, User and DB parameters for use in a single installation
  15. Run the Install Applications process - Run the Install Application process
  16. Below are the default WebSphere Application Server settings that are updated by Quick Deployer. Consult the IBM Knowledge Center for WebSphere Application Server to determine if these settings are sufficient for your environment.
    • JVM maximum and minimum heap size:
      • 2g if total RAM is less than 4GB
      • 4g if total RAM is between 4GB-6GB
      • 6g if total RAM is between 6GB-7.5GB
      • 75% of total RAM if total RAM is greater than 7.5GB
    • The WebContainer Thread pool maximum and minimum sizes are set to 200
    • Session Management
      • Added a new custom Property: InvalidateOnUnauthorizedSessionRequestException=true
      • Unchecked the Enable Cookies option
  17. Configure a license server - License key management
  18. Set up an NTP system clock after installation - Configuring the NTP system clock
  19. Suppress Data Collection Component (dcc) Administration page menus that are not required - Suppressing dcc admin menus
  20. Optionally, update component artifacts
  21. IBM Quick Deployer CLM iFix Support Portal



  • Throughout the IBM Quick Deployer wiki the screen captures are for reference only.
    In some cases if the functionality they display has not changed in the latest release they will be from a previous release

Related topics:

External links:

Additional contributors: MichelleCrane, NathanBak, ChristianLopez

This topic: Deployment > WebHome > DeploymentInstallingUpgradingAndMigrating > IBMQuickDeployerOld > IBMQuickDeployerSetupAndRunOld
History: r41 - 2017-08-04 - 14:28:16 - Main.ktessier
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