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IBM Quick Deployer component version setup updated.png

Authors: ThomasPiccoli, KennethThomson, JenniferLiu, KenTessier, ClareCarty
Build basis: CLM 6.0, CLM 6.0.x, CE 6.0.x

The scripts used by Quick Deployer are delivered as a single compressed file for each component. This topic explains how to extract the scripts from the compressed file and import them into UCD as a new UCD Component version.

Component script version setup

  1. On the UCD server expand the IBM Quick Deployer installation package into a temporary folder eg /media/QD
  2. Ensure the following files are present
    • versionUnzip.sh
    • Rational_QD_Application_60x_yyyymmdd-hhmm_artifacts.zip
    • Rational_QD_ApplicationServer_60x_yyyymmdd-hhmm_artifacts.zip
    • Rational_QD_Database_60x_yyyymmdd-hhmm_artifacts.zip
    • Rational_QD_InstallationManager_60x_yyyymmdd-hhmm_artifacts.zip
    • Rational_QD_SystemPre-Requisite_60x_yyyymmdd-hhmm_artifacts.zip
  3. Assign execute permission to the {agent install dir}/agent/opt/udclient/udclient script
  4. Assign execute permission to the versionUnzip.sh script
  5. ensure JAVA_HOME is set. If not export JAVA_HOME={location of your jre} (e.g. /usr/lib/jvm/jre)
  6. ensure UCDCLIEXE is set. If not export UCDCLIEXE={location of your udclient exe} (e.g. /opt/ibm-ucd/agent/opt/udclient/udclient)
  7. Execute the versionUnzip.sh script
    The script expects 3 arguments as key=value pairs:
    • BASEFOLDER =base folder for expanding the scripts into (e.g. /media/QD)
    • APPLICATIONVERSION =ApplicationVersion (e.g. 602)
    • COMPONENTVERSION =ComponentVersion (e.g.
      - as lots of information is written to the screen it is recommended that when executing the script the output should be piped through the tee program for post processing.
      - when execution completes the individual application artifacts will be found in /BASEFOLDER/APPLICATIONVERSION/COMPONENTVERSION/{application} (e.g. /media/QD/602/

          cd /media/QD
          chmod 755 {agent install dir}/agent/opt/udclient/udclient
          chmod 755 versionUnzip.sh
          export JAVA_HOME={location of your jre}
          export UCDCLIEXE={agent install dir}/agent/opt/udclient/udclient
          sh versionUnzip.sh BASEFOLDER=/media/QD APPLICATIONVERSION=602 COMPONENTVERSION= | tee console_versionUnzip.log
          >> deleted console text <<
          SUCCESS [versionUnzip.sh]: Quick Deployer scripts successfully unzipped   
          ls /media/QD/602/
          Application  ApplicationServer  Database  InstallationManager  SystemPre-Requisite
  8. Ensure you are in the folder where you expanded the IBM Quick Deployer installation package eg /media/QD
  9. Ensure the following files are present
    • componentVersionImport.sh
    • versionImport.sh
  10. Assign execute permission to the componentVersionImport.sh and versionImport.sh scripts
  11. Execute the versionImport.sh script
    The script expects 6 arguments as key=value pairs:
    • USERNAME =UCDAdminUserName
    • USERPASSWORD =UCDAdminUserPassword
    • UCDSERVER =UCDURL (e.g. https://UCDHostName:8443)
    • BASEFOLDER =base folder containing the expanded scripts to import (e.g. /media/QD)
    • APPLICATIONVERSION =ApplicationVersion (e.g. 602)
    • COMPONENTVERSION =ComponentVersion (e.g.
      - as lots of information is written to the screen it is recommended that when executing the script the output should be piped through the tee program for post processing.

          cd /media/QD
          chmod 755 componentVersionImport.sh
          chmod 755 versionImport.sh
          sh versionImport.sh USERNAME=adminuser USERPASSWORD=adminpassword UCDSERVER=ucdurl:port BASEFOLDER=/media/QD APPLICATIONVERSION=602 COMPONENTVERSION= | tee console_versionImport.log
          >> deleted console text <<
          SUCCESS [versionImport.sh]: Quick Deployer scripts imported into UCD

  12. Confirm for each of the components listed that they have the correct version [e.g. 6.0.x.0] and file content.
    • Rational_QD_Application_60x
    • Rational_QD_ApplicationServer_60x
    • Rational_QD_Database_60x
    • Rational_QD_InstallationManager_60x
    • Rational_QD_SystemPre-Requisite_60x

      confirm version

      confirm content



  • Throughout the IBM Quick Deployer wiki the screen captures are for reference only.
    In some cases if the functionality they display has not changed in the latest release they will be from a previous release

Related topics:

External links:

Additional contributors: MichelleCrane, NathanBak, ChristianLopez

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