r35 - 2017-07-28 - 21:38:18 - Main.ktessierYou are here: TWiki >  Deployment Web > DeploymentInstallingUpgradingAndMigrating > IBMQuickDeployerOld > IBMQuickDeployerSystemRequirementsOld

IBM Quick Deployer system requirements updated.png

Authors: ThomasPiccoli, KennethThomson, JenniferLiu, KenTessier, ClareCarty
Build basis: CLM 6.0, CLM 6.0.x, CE 6.0.x

Review both the site requirements and the system requirements before installing and running IBM Quick Deployer. Also review the references to the appropriate product-specific websites.

Site requirements

  • Current release of IBM UrbanCode Deploy is installed (tested with version
  • Access to a configured instance of Tivoli Directory Server
  • User with UrbanCode Deploy admin privileges to import and configure the IBM Quick Deployer application
  • Customer provisioned VMs that meet the system requirements in the following list
  • Customer provisioned VMs that support snapshots, and a snapshot from before the application deployment
  • Customer can create/import templates, manage blueprints, or manually construct UrbanCode Deploy environments from available agents:
    • Template import via cloud system integration
    • Manual template definition
    • Manual environment definition
  • Able to provide passwords for IBM DB2 or Oracle, LDAP, and WebSphere Application Server to UrbanCode Deploy process
  • Provide connection information for customer provisioned DB2 or Oracle server, if used
  • Provide connection information for customer provisioned LDAP server
  • Provide connection information for the customer maintained NFS file share that contains the product and middleware installation media

System requirements

  • Review the CLM 6.0.3 system requirements and the CLM sizing strategy
  • Additional IBM Quick Deployer requirements:
    • Customer provisioned VMs (e.g. IBM HTTP Server, Jazz Team Server, Lifecycle Query Engine, and DB2 or Oracle)
    • Each VM's fully qualified domain name does not contain uppercase characters
    • Each VM is a member of the same domain
    • Each VM should be configured so that the command hostname -f returns the fully qualified domain name
    • The CLM sizing strategy for VM resource requirements is followed
    • RHEL is installed (6.6 +)
    • The following packages are installed:
    • All servers are set to the same time zone
    • Python 2.6.6+ is installed
    • UrbanCode Deploy specified version of Java is installed
    • UrbanCode Deploy agent is installed as root (all scripts run as root)
    • Scripts are able to enable SSH and use it to move certificate files between the WebSphere Application Server and IBM HTTP Server servers
    • Ensure that SCP can be used to copy a file from the IHS server to all the WAS servers, If not, then the script that runs SCP may fail without an error
    • Ensure that files created by the root user will be readable by others, such as, the OS user. This is important because the UCD agent runs as the root, therefore, our scripts will run as the root user
    • Ensure the /IBMQD folder is writable and readable by the OS user if created by you and if created by the application then QD will expect folders created by the root user to be accessible by the OS user as described in the previous requirement
    • QD expects the /home folder permission to be at least 755, otherwise the DB2 or Oracle create instance process fails
    • OS user and LDAP admin user names are the same (passwords can be different)
      • The automation will create the OS user if the account does not exist
      • LDAP admin user name does not use an email address (only a plain user name is supported)
    • OS user requires sudo privileges. Make sure that the OS user is granted some commands privileges with NOPASSWD. To grant these privileges, edit the sudoers file with a tool such as visudo and add the following line to the end of the file to ensure that the OS user settings are not overriden:
      • On RH7 add this line:
        • clmadmin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/mkdir,/usr/bin/touch,/usr/bin/sh,/usr/bin/chmod,/usr/bin/echo
      • On RH6 add this line:
        • clmadmin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /bin/mkdir,/bin/touch,/bin/sh,/bin/chmod,/bin/echo
    • When an LDAP property contains a comma separated list of values there can not be any spaces in or between the values
    • The /opt folder exists on all VMs
    • The folder IBMQD will be created in the root folder if it does not exist and IBM Quick Deployer will require the following contiguous space on each target VM to run the installation and configuration. See individual product sizing guides for any additional space that might be required
      • IBM HTTPS Server - 20 GB
      • Lifecycle Query Engine - 20 GB
      • Jazz Team Server - 30 GB
      • IBM DB2 - 60 GB
      • Oracle - 60 GB
    • Product and middleware installation media - details are on the Installation media wiki page
    • Customer is responsible for obtaining and processing all required installation media
    • Installation media can be maintained on a network-accessible file share (NFS) or installed on each of the target VMs (local)
  • Additional Oracle requirements:
  • Customer-supplied DB2 or Oracle server requires the installation of an UrbanCode Deploy agent so scripts can be run as root user



  • Throughout the IBM Quick Deployer wiki the screen captures are for reference only.
    In some cases if the functionality they display has not changed in the latest release they will be from a previous release

Related topics:

External links:

Additional contributors: MichelleCrane, NathanBak, ChristianLopez

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