This page complements the Standard Topologies Overview by providing diagrams and description of the main pattern alternatives that can be used for specific reasons within an ELM deployment topology. Below we include only the parts of the deployment topology needed to present the pattern and not nodes that would be deployed in the wider topology.
For medium to large deployments we strongly recommend multiple database servers or database clustering using Db2 or Oracle. For these deployments, the database for LQE rs should be on its own database server as should those of the most utilized applications (typically RM or QM).
ELM deployments may begin with the Departmental topology but with increasing scale needs, will need to evolve though not necessarily to a full Enterprise topology. The Modified Departmental pattern is a step in that direction. This is especially useful as usage grows to include widespread use of Global Configuration Management or higher usage of a single application.
For guidance regarding multiple instances of the same application server
Clustering various servers in your distributed ELM deployment can provide improved system resilience and system throughput.
This pattern shows just the ELM nodes required to cluster EWM (CCM). ETM (QM) can also be clustered in ELM 7.x.
Please Note: The Jazz Authorization Server (JAS) is required for ELM application clustering.
In the topic Setting up a Change and Configuration Management application clustered environment version 6.0.5 and later we provide specific guidance on setting-up a Distributed Cache Microservice (DCM) for clustered applications:
The microservice must be installed and run on a machine that is accessible by all nodes of the clustered application. By default, the microservice is installed on the Jazz Team Server (JTS) machine under the server/clustering/cache directory and is started as part of the JTS startup sequence (on demand, only when a clustered application asks for it).
Note: There should be one DCM per application cluster. Do not share between clusters. For optimal performance, the DCM should be moved to a dedicated machine. The size of this machine will depend on the number of users in your cluster and their usage. DCM can be deployed on a machine as small as 2 core, 4gb RAM and 100GB disk, but you will need to monitor the system and increase its size based on your load. We found that a 4 core, 8gb ram, 200gb disk virtual machine handled 500 users (but it will vary based on what your users do with the system).
An application delivery controller (ADC) is a computer network device in a datacenter, often part of an application delivery network, that helps perform common tasks, such as those done by web accelerators to remove load from the web servers themselves.
Many ELM deployments are already using an ADC e.g., F5 BIG-IP, CITRIX NetScaler, A10. We have quite a few customers using a combination of an ADC and an IHS reverse proxy. Some customers are using multiple ADCs and load balancing clustered IHS reverse proxies. Best practice: Reverse Proxies and Load Balancers in CLM Deployment.
If you have an ELM deployment using Jazz Security Architecture (JSA) Single Sign-On, you can reduce the risk of outages by clustering a single Jazz Authorization Server with multiple replicas. If you only have a single JAS instance, then all authenticate requests will fail if that instance goes offline. If you have a JAS cluster, then login requests will succeed since they will automatically fall over to active JAS replicas.
Additional guidance on configuring JAS Clustering: Setting up a cluster of Jazz Authorization Servers.
See the Eclipse Amlen documentation for details.
For further Information on Jazz Security Architecture see Jazz Server Authentication Explained and JAS Landing page
For instructions to configure CE/CLM to authenticate via JAS as OIDC provider please visit Configure OIDC Authentication for CE/CLM
: When you configure your Jazz Authorization Server to use the System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM), you cannot use the electronic signatures features in EWM, ETM or DOORS Next, since they currently require a direct connection to the Identity Provider (LDAP).
For instructions to configure JAS with SCIM see Configure JAS for SCIM
In this approach, user authentication is further delegated from JAS to another OIDC provider. This leads to redirections which some clients cannot work with. Following are the limitations:
For instructions to configure ELM to authenticate via your in-house OIDC provider, see Configure CE/CLM with Third Party OIDC Provider
SAML is an OASIS open standard for representing and exchanging user identity, authentication, and attribute information. A SAML assertion is an XML formatted token that is used to transfer user identity and attribute information from the identity provider (IdP) of a user to a trusted service provider (SP) as part of completing an SSO request. For more information, see SAML web single sign-on.
In this approach the user authentication is further delegated from JAS to a SAML Identity Provider, this leads to redirections which some clients cannot do. Following are the limitations:
For instructions to configure ELM to Authenticate via SAML IDP see Configure CE/CLM with SAML IDP
For customers just starting out with the ELM solution, IBM's recommendation is to deploy LQE rs only.
For more information on LQE rs, see LQE rs 703 Performance Report
In some highly active environments, a single LDX server in the modified federated topology may not be sufficient. To alleviate this, multiple LDX instances can be deployed to manage versioned links for individual business units that only index the application sources used by that business unit. This is similar to the configuration in the federated topology where individual business units deploy their own LDX where there may be performance issues due to overall load or volume.
I | Attachment | Action | Size | Date | Who | Comment |
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90599-_Modified_Federated_Optional_Distributed_LDX.png | manage | 251.2 K | 2024-01-18 - 16:10 | RichardRakich | |
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Deploy_LQErs_only_1.png | manage | 155.2 K | 2023-10-17 - 13:09 | AlessandraCristinaAndrade | According to v 7.0.3 |
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JASSCIM.png | manage | 53.3 K | 2023-08-25 - 17:40 | AlessandraCristinaAndrade | According to v 7.0.3 |
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LQE_Jena_system.png | manage | 230.3 K | 2023-10-17 - 13:11 | AlessandraCristinaAndrade | According to v 7.0.3 |
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LQE_Jena_system_.png | manage | 230.3 K | 2023-10-17 - 13:10 | AlessandraCristinaAndrade | According to v 7.0.3 |
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