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Configure JAS with a User Registry - LDAP or File Based new.png

Authors: ShubjitNaik
Build basis: JAS and ELM version 6.0.x, 7.x

Jazz Authorization Server is based on the IBM WebSphere Liberty server. Because Jazz Authorization Server authenticates users, it must be configured with a user registry. WebSphere Liberty server has capabilities similar to the full WebSphere Application Server; it can be configured to use a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) registry, or users can be defined in local files.

This article will focus on steps to help configure JAS with a File based User Registry and LDAP User registry.



  • To deploy JAS to an existing environment and migrate to JAS, visit this Section on our Infocenter
  • For a new deployment of ELM, Install the applications via IBM Installation Manager and Select the option "Enable Jazz Security Architecture SSO" during the installation



  • Download Jazz Authorization Server install bit from jazz.net, under All Downloads Section for the specific version


  • Install Jazz Authorization Server application via Installation Manager, instructions available on our Infocenter


Setup and Configure JAS with a User Registry

Configuration files

  • Copy the files from JazzAuthServer_install_dir/wlp/usr/servers/jazzop/defaults folder one level up to JazzAuthServer_install_dir/wlp/usr/servers/jazzop/
  • Files we would modify are server.xml, appConfig.xml, ldapUserRegistry.xml and localUserRegistry.xml
  • appConfig.xml - Contains Jazz Group/Role mappings and UserRegistry file information
  • ldapUserRegistry.xml - Configuring Liberty with an LDAP user registry
  • localUserRegistry.xml - Configuring Liberty file based registry

To Configure JAS with Liberty file based registry

  • By default the bundled Liberty profile is configure with File based user registry.
  • Open the file JazzAuthServer_install_dir/wlp/usr/servers/jazzop/localUserRegistry.xml
  • Add new Users or Groups and save the file
        <!-- Sample basic user registry definition
         The passwords for the "ADMIN" and "clmadmin" users are the same as the user names.
         If those users are to be retained, the wlp/bin/securityUtility script should be used
         to encode new passwords. Otherwise, new users should defined with encoded passwords.
          <user name="ADMIN" password="{xor}HhsSFhE="/>
          <user name="clmadmin" password="{xor}PDMyPjsyNjE="/>
          <user name="clmuser" password="plaintext_password"/>
          <group id="JazzAdmins" name="JazzAdmins">
            <member name="ADMIN"/>
            <member name="clmadmin"/>
          <group id="JazzUsers" name="JazzUsers">
            <member name="clmuser"/>
          <group id="JazzGuests" name="JazzGuests">
          <group id="JazzProjectAdmins" name="JazzProjectAdmins">

  • You can either enter Plain Text Passwords or encrypt the passwords using the securityUtility

To Configure JAS with LDAP registry

  • By default the bundled Liberty profile is configured with file based user registry
  • To change the configuration to LDAP registry, edit JazzAuthServer_install_dir/wlp/usr/servers/jazzop/appConfig.xml file
  • Towards the end of the file change from
  •  <include location="localUserRegistry.xml" optional="true"/>
        <!--include location="ldapUserRegistry.xml" optional="true"/-->
  •  <!--include location="localUserRegistry.xml" optional="true"/-->
        <include location="ldapUserRegistry.xml" optional="true"/>

  • To Configure the LDAP User Registry, guidance from LDAP administrators / Network admins may be necessary to complete the configuration Typical information needed from your LDAP Admin
    • LDAP Server Name and Port (LDAP Server hostname and Port)
    • The Base DN (LDAP Root Tree where Users/Groups can be queried from_)
    • bindDN and bindPassword (User ID and password for the user who can query the LDAP directory)
    • Group and User filter (inetOrgPerson, groupOfNames etc)
    • User ID and Group ID mappings (sAMAccountName, cn etc)

  • Example configuration for different LDAPs information is available in our Infocenter
  • We have included a few examples from different LDAP environments (MS Active Directory, Tivoli and ApacheDS) to help guide the configuration.
  • Edit JazzAuthServer_install_dir/wlp/usr/servers/jazzop/ldapUserRegistry.xml and modify the ldapRegistry configuration for your LDAP registry

Microsoft Active Directory

  • <server>
    <ldapRegistry ldapType="Microsoft Active Directory" baseDN="CN=Users,DC=test,DC=com" 
            bindDN="CN=CLM Admin,CN=Users,DC=test,DC=com" bindPassword="********" 
            host="ldapserver" id="ldapserver:389" ignoreCase="true" port="389" realm="ldapserver:389"
            recursiveSearch="true" sslEnabled="false">  
                            groupMemberIdMap="memberOf:member" >

IBM Tivoli Directory Server

  •  <server>
        <ldapRegistry ldapType="IBM Tivoli Directory Server" baseDN="o=test.com" 
         bindDN="uid=clmadmin,c=in,ou=Users,o=test.com" bindPassword="********"
         host="ldapserver" id="ldapserver:389" ignoreCase="true"  port="389"
         realm="ldapserver:389" recursiveSearch="true" sslEnabled="false">

Apache DS

  • <server>
            <ldapRegistry ldapType="Custom" baseDN="dc=example,dc=com" host="localhost" 
                  id="localhostexample:10389" ignoreCase="true" port="10389"  
                  realm="localhostexample:10389" recursiveSearch="true" sslEnabled="false">
                        userIdMap="*:uid" >

Map Administrators for Jazz Authorization Server

Map Groups or Users as JAS Administrators who can perform JAS CLI operations, register Applications to JAS and access WebSphere Liberty AdminConsole JAS

            <special-subject type="ALL_AUTHENTICATED_USERS" />
            <group name="MYJazzAdmins" />
            <group name="JazzAdmins"/>
            <user name = "clmadmin" />

Encrypt Passwords

  • To encrypt passwords, run the script JazzAuthServer_install_dir/wlp/bin/securityUtility
  • After the script completes, copy the output to the password attribute associated with the user ID (or bindPassword)
  • To run the securityUtility script, use the following syntax:
  • $ securityUtility encode userPassword 
    where userPassword is the password to encode

Configure Database for JAS

When you first install JAS, it comes configured to use a local Derby database for storing information. It is not recommended to use Derby database for a production environment and note that Derby database won't work in a clustered JAS environment, since that information won't be available to all the instances.

The basic steps to configure the database are:

  • Create database tables on a database server which all JAS instances can access
  • Update the JAS configuration file (appConfig.xml) to use the database server

The following links provide information for both Oracle and DB2, and sample SQL scripts are available that can create the necessary tables. But note that you will need to customize these scripts for your own environment.

The JAS database is used to store client registration information (i.e. all the applications that are configured to use the JAS for authentication) and information about authentication tokens that have been issued to clients. The client registration information is small and static, so it takes very little space in the database, but the token information is dynamic, and the space that it uses is proportional to the number of times a client will authenticate with a CLM application. Also, tokens have expiration periods; token information is retained until it expires. Therefore, an environment in which there are many authentications taking place and in which token expiration times are fairly long will require more storage space in the database.

Also, the JAS will load all unexpired tokens for a particular user into memory. If there are many tokens outstanding for a single user, more Java heap memory may be required than in the default configuration. In particular, since RTC build engines are usually configured to authenticate as a single designated "build" user, lots of build activity may result in the need to increase the Java heap size for the JAS.

Database storage size can be reduced by shortening the token expiration periods. There are two of them, one for access tokens and one for refresh tokens. The default access token expiration time is 6 hours, so it generally won't cause a problem. But the default refresh token time is 7 days, which can cause them to accumulate quite a bit. To reduce that expiration time, adjust the value for the "authorizationGrantLifetime" attribute of the <oauthProvider> element in the JazzAuthServer_install_dir/wlp/usr/servers/jazzop/appConfig.xml file. The default configuration is

<oauthProvider id="JazzOP"
  <databaseStore dataSourceRef="OAuthFvtDataSource" /> 

The value "604801" is 7 days plus 1 second, in seconds. It can be reduced to make refresh tokens expire quicker and therefore not accumulate as much in the database.

For more information, see work item 471597


The default JVM heap allocated to a WebSphere Liberty server is 60MB. This applies to JAS as well and to increase the Java heap size, you can create jvm.options file under JazzAuthServer_install_dir/wlp/usr/servers/jazzop/jvm.options and include the JVM memory parameters, one per line. For example, these entries will increase the heap size to 2GB:


For more information see Manually Customizing Liberty Environment

Test JAS Configuration

Jazz Team Server (JTS) Setup with JAS

  • For a new deployment, CLM installation should be enabled for Jazz Security Architecture SSO
  • Accessing the JTS setup page, https://jtsserver:port/jts/setup , would not prompt for a Username / Password
  • Express setup would be disabled for a CLM instance enabled for Jazz Security Architecture SSO

  • Run through the setup following the prompt until you reach "Register Applications" Page
  • Enter the Jazz Authentication Server details. The URL you enter should be accessible by all and is as important as the Jazz Public URI

File based registry

  • In the Next step (Step 6), "Select a type of User Registry, select Non-LDAP External Registry

  • Create a user with userID details from users configured in localUserRegistry.xml
  • Click on Save and Log in and Login as a User with JazzAdmin role
  • Assign a License to the User
  • Go back to Register Applications page (Step 5) and register all the applications
  • Complete the setup

LDAP Registry

User to Role Mappings

  • Groups to Jazz Roles mappings are picked from JTS configuration when JAS is configured with LDAP or SCIM. More details on the next section.

Ensure pop-up blocker is disabled on the browser, or Pop-ups are allowed for ELM and JAS URLs. Here are instructions to configure JTS with LDAP User Registery

  • In the Next step (Step 6), "Select a type of User Registry, select LDAP
  • Enter the LDAP Details, there are 3 sections as mentioned below
    1. - LDAP Server and Bind User details

    2. - Base USer DN and USer Properties mapping

    3. - Group DN, Role and Property mapping

  • Assign a license and click Next
  • A Login window would be displayed, Login as a user with JazzAdmin role assigned
  • Go back to Register Applications page (Step 5) and register all the applications
  • Complete the setup

ELM User group-to-role mapping

User Groups to Jazz Roles mappings (JazzAdmins, JazzUsers etc) are picked from JTS configuration when JAS is configured with LDAP. When Users accesses an ELM application URL, they are redirected to JAS for Authentication. Post successful authentication JTS performs the ldapsearch Query to fetch groups with LDAP details mentioned under
JTS > Advanced Properties > com.ibm.team.repository.service.jts.internal.userregistry.ldap.LDAPUserRegistryProvider for User group to Jazz role mappings.

Note: We can only map direct LDAP groups in JTS. Special Subjects like ALL_AUTHENTICATED_USERS or NESTED_GROUPS would not work with JAS based deployments

Here is an extract from JTS logs with debug enabled, where it is mapping to the Jazz Groups configured in JTS.

DEBUG m.repository.servlet.internal.oidc.OidcAuthHandler [TID: 37404299] - Using group-to-role mapping 
"{cn=MYJazzAdmins,CN=Groups,DC=clm,DC=com:[JazzAdmins],cn=MYJazzGuests,CN=Groups,DC=clm,DC=com:[JazzGuests],cn=MYJazzProjectAdmins,CN=Groups,DC=clm,DC=com:[JazzProjectAdmins],cn=MYJazzUsers,CN=Groups,DC=clm,DC=com=com:[JazzUsers]}" for 300000 ms

DEBUG ce.jts.internal.userregistry.ldap.LDAPUserRegistry [TID: 7FEA9AFC] - Query to fetch group full names - ldapsearch -h ldap://ldapserver:389 -b "CN=Groups,DC=clm,DC=com" "(| (cn=MYJazzAdmins)(cn=MYJazzGuests)(cn=MYJazzProjectAdmins)(cn=MYJazzUsers))"

For new installations, during JTS/Setup select the User registry type as LDAP and configure to the same LDAP registry that is configured with JAS and enter the group mappings under the property Jazz to LDAP Group Mapping

Enable an Existing CLM setup for Jazz Security Architecture

  • Complete the Jazz Authorization Server Setup, Configuration and testing as per instructions within this article
  • Enable CLM applications for Jazz Security Architecture single sign-on following the instructions on our InfoCenter

Related topics: Jazz Authorization Server, Deployment web home

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