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todo.png Extending and customizing Jazz solutions

Authors: DanToczala
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Many customers will want to customize their Jazz solutions, providing tailored extensions and specific customizations to their Jazz solutions. This will often involve extending the Jazz solution, and use of the Jazz API, OSLC, or other mechanisms to access the linked data.

Jazz APIs

The "official" Jazz API is now available for download on the downloads page, in the Plain Zips section, under Plain Java Client Libraries and Plain Java Client Libraries API Documentation. The article Rational Team Concert plain Java API's is an introduction into how they work. Customers wishing to write process extensions for their Jazz implementation should begin with the RTC extensions workshop, the Process enactment workshop, and the OSLC workshop. This will help them better understand the various different options for extending and enhancing the Jazz solution, and will provide valuable insight into how to implement the needed customizations.

Related topics: Deployment web home, Deployment web home

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