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uc.png Configuring and tuning DB2

Authors: DanToczala
Build basis: CLM 2012, CLM 2011

Initial assessment

Database tuning is outside of the scope of the Jazz Administrator. Any information provided below is for reference only and should be passed to your database administrator.

When discussing the tuning of DB2, it is important to note the various editions of DB2, such as DB2 Workgroup, DB2 Enterprise, and DB2 for z/OS. Jazz licensing currently supports the use of DB2 Workgroup Edition.

DB2 Express is also supported, but it should not be used for anything other than a product demo, pilot project, or functionality review, because it will not scale to support a typical user load.

DB2 for z/OS

Most DB2 customers turn on the following monitoring and tracing for their Jazz-supporting DB2 instance on z/OS:

01 STAT 01,03,04,05, SMF NO  
01   06      
02 ACCTG 01,02,03,07, SMF NO  
02   08      
04 MON 01,02,03,05, OP1 NO  
04   07, 08      

How to interpret the previous table:

  • For statistics, monitor classes 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6. This shows overall health.
  • For accounting purposes, monitor classes 1, 2, 3, 7, and 8. This gets into more specifics about what is happening.
  • For monitoring purposes, monitor classes 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, and 8.

When working with DB2 you should be doing a RUNSTATS [multi-table, multi-index] whenever you make changes to the DB2 database. The database administrator should complete this action on a regular basis to ensure that DB2 performs efficiently.

If this doesn’t work, you might want to increase MAX_R_BLOCK in the z/OS parameters.

Note: Thorough DB2 administrators will want to create indexes based on the results from some of the monitoring and the RUNSTATS commands. They can do this, but make sure that you measure database performance both before and after doing this, so you can determine the impact on performance.

DB2 Enterprise Edition

todo16.png Need real tuning examples here.

DB2 Workgroup Edition

todo16.png Need real tuning examples here.

Related topics: Deployment troubleshooting, Deployment monitoring

External links:

System requirements

Additional contributors: None

Questions and comments:

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Deployment.ConfiguringAndTuningDB2 moved from Deployment.TuningDB2 on 2013-11-30 - 17:43 by Main.sbeard -
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