error during zload

From a USS partition of my z/os environment, running the following command I obtain this generic error message:
scm zload -r https://clmweb:9443/ccm -u CLMADMIN -P CLMADMIN_PWD -x IBMUSER "findomestic testFin Workspace"
Problem running 'zload':
There were errors in the download. Recommend that you reload the components affected. The reload will be incremental. Try 'scm help zload' for more information.
Where (or how) can I obtain more detailed informations regarding the error?
Thanks in advance.
scm zload -r https://clmweb:9443/ccm -u CLMADMIN -P CLMADMIN_PWD -x IBMUSER "findomestic testFin Workspace"
Problem running 'zload':
There were errors in the download. Recommend that you reload the components affected. The reload will be incremental. Try 'scm help zload' for more information.
Where (or how) can I obtain more detailed informations regarding the error?
Thanks in advance.