Is the help documentation correct for Formal Project Planning with Planned Snapshots?
Accepted answer
for all I know, the planned start and end times as well as the proposed start and end times are, as described above, created and stored using the planned and the proposed plan snapshot. They are stored in the plan and they are only available in Plan UI's. they are especially not surfaced as a work item attribute and can therefore not be provided in queries and the like. You can get these if you export a plan.
This is my current knowledge and I have tried - again - with 4.0.1 to my contentment that this is the case. *Fix to my statement*: as described below there is a non attribute based presentation "Planned Time" available that shows the planned time in the work item editor, if configured. To do so, it pulls the data from the plan snapshot.
Since there is no corresponding attribute and the said presentation needs to dynamically ask the plan for the data, you can not display these derived and calculated values in Work Item Queries or in Not Plan based Dashboards as far as I can tell.
There are numerous other posts that say this on e.g. some listed as related to the right
I have seen you asking on some more of these questions recently. Some of these answers already provided the information from my answer above too. Sorry, I couldn't answer yesterday.
I was about to write a work item against documentation and I stopped doing it, because the documentation is correct.
There is a non attribute presentation "Planned Time" available, that shows the planned start and end time in the Work Item editor if the presentation is configured that way (for example like the task and defect in formal planning). However, this does still not make these times available in a work item query or a dasbboard.
1 vote
The Documentation does not mention a requirement to do custom configuration for these Planned Times to show up in the Work Item Editor. This should be added to the documentation.
Michael, please don't hesitate to create a work item in select documentation as filed against.
The presentation is configured by default to the execution items in the formal template. It is not, for Change Requests.
1 vote
That is great information. Thank you very much.