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IBM RTC 6.0.4 repotools-jts, rm and ccm import, best practices?

Rafael Rodriguez Montes (23013130255) | asked Sep 09 '17, 11:36 p.m.
retagged Sep 15 '17, 6:32 a.m. by Minakshi Jaint (5113)


 I have imported artifacts from production server to dev server for testing, but I get several errors after Import the artifacts I tried to run the server and I'm getting the error 404, also I tried to rename the URL, but still not working, should I setup empty databases and then do the import? 

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Ulf Arne Bister (1.3k413) | answered Sep 10 '17, 1:54 p.m.


in case you are trying to set up a test environment with a clone of production data I strongly recommend following the setting up test staging guideline.
The repotools import commands are explicitely only for changing database vendors (e.g. Derby to DB2) but cannot be used to haul over data from production server to testing. I strongly recommend using virtualized servers and automating the cloning of a prod server to a dev server for testing after you successfully did it manually. 
Anything else will cost you time and tears.

- Arne

Rafael Rodriguez Montes selected this answer as the correct answer

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