Is it possible to keep RTC project areas synchronised if they are on each site of a firewall?

I have a questions which have to parts:
1) I have looked in the documentation and have no managed to find how to setup two CLM servers and have project area accross the two servers. Something like ClearQuest replication.
2) Is it possible to have server outsite our firewall and synchronize that to a server insite our firewall?
The problem I want to solve is, we are having more sites, where we are developing software and I want all sites to have the same tools chain and the same data, but we want at the same time our external partner to handled their own tool chain and not log directly on to our system. We want like we do with clearcase and clearquest to only synchronize the data they are allowed to to have access to.
Accepted answer

RTC has no multisite capability for work items. If you want the sites to have access to the work items, you need to use a VPN tunnel or something similar. We have a replication mechanism for the SCM data. describes a potential solution for your case with SCM data.

We are connecting RTC to ClearCase, so how do we then connect Work Items on the external site to activities in ClearCas like we can on our internal site?

If you can't access the remote work items, you can't as far as I know.

Please note, RTC was designed NOT to copy data around as that creates all kinds of problems. Other customers use VPN tunnel solutions for example.