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Project Creation

Kevin Day (112) | asked Apr 27 '16, 6:38 a.m.

I can successfully get to the creating a project page.  However when I select the button to create the project, the process gets stuck at he following prompt:   "Creating your project (0% complete)".

I have tried this twice now and have even left my computer running overnight.  Do you know what the problem is?



Arun K Sriramaiah commented Apr 27 '16, 7:56 a.m.

Hi Kevin,

From which Application you are trying to create PRoject ?

Try with different browser or eclipse client ?

Try with Default Scrum tempalte and let us know.

Kevin Day commented Apr 27 '16, 8:19 a.m. | edited Dec 24 '16, 5:00 p.m.


I am using Internet Explorer 11.  This is the only browser I can use.

I am trying to create a project from the cloud.

First I go here:

That leads me here:

And that's where it stays at 0%.

I've only just started trying to investigate DOORs.  Therefore I don't yet know what a "Default Scrum Template" is.


Paula Sottin commented Apr 27 '16, 11:23 a.m. | edited Dec 24 '16, 5:01 p.m.


I am having the same issue as Kevin. 

I am using Internet Explorer 11 and I am also in the cloud.

I used the following steps:

1. Go to
2. Type in a project name -- e.g., "My Project XYZ"
3. Check the box  "I agree.."
4. Click on the button "Create My Project"

The system hangs at the 'Running Pre-Validation Check' 0% complete.

May I ask what additional steps can be performed to create my project?


Paula Sottin


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