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Doors NG v7.0.2 - How do we apply the licence ?

Gav Thomson (132) | asked Aug 24 '21, 4:37 p.m.
edited Aug 24 '21, 4:39 p.m.


Using the resources on we have deployed an Application server and SQL server with an install of Doors NG / ERM v7.0.3, but initially struggled to find and apply the licence we purchased, before we realised v7.0.3 is in testing.

We have purchased an Analyst Authorised Licence for v7.0.2, so we are now having to remove v7.0.3 and re-deploy v7.0.2.

IBM support are telling us to simply download v7.0.2 from Passport Advantage as our licence is imbedded in the download files however none of the download files there are the same as the ones on

1. Do we only need one of the 25 files (a licence file ?) from Passport Advantage to apply to the v7.0.2 install we are re-deploying using the installers ? Is that even possible ?
2. Or do we run the v7.0.2 installers from then one of the ERM install files from Passport Advantage over the top of it ? 

Really confused :/


Accepted answer

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Bartosz Chrabski (3.4k22949) | answered Aug 24 '21, 4:42 p.m.


The licenses used to be released per major release. You can use same license package for 7.0.1, 7.0.2, 7.0.3.

You can download installation files for or Passport Advantage, both installation files will work.

On PA You can find more software You are entitled too after purchasing the license from IBM.

Hope it is answering your questions.


Gav Thomson selected this answer as the correct answer

Gav Thomson commented Aug 24 '21, 4:48 p.m.

Hi Bartosz, that helps thanks :)

The files via Jazz won't have our licence in them though - do we somehow take the licence file from PAO ?

Still unsure where we actually get it from.


Bartosz Chrabski commented Aug 24 '21, 5:57 p.m.

Licenses you will find as part of installation files in Passport Advantage portal. 

Gav Thomson commented Aug 27 '21, 10:48 a.m.

 Hi Bartosz,

Thank you we found all the files, including the licence file.

I don't think I've ever seen a more complicated installation. Your response did help us confirm some things so thank you.

Just in case anyone stumbles across a similar scenario.

1. We removed v7.0.3 as the v7 licence doesn't yet (at time of writing) cover that version.
2. We ran through the installation of v7.0.2 by taking all the relevant files from Passport Advantage, but not everything as it provided many files which were not relevant. (Note: The zip files are not necessarily named the same as the files we originally downloaded from, but when unzipped we found the relevant files.).
3. We used the previous installation steps from setting up v7.0.3 to guide us.
4. Watch out for security filtering on some of the file types: .bat, .jar, .class and so on.

Thanks :)

Bartosz Chrabski commented Aug 27 '21, 11:02 a.m.

Welcome ! 

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