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Does RTC v4.0.5 Client Integrate with Websphere Message Broker?

3 answers

The Websphere Message Broker has been renamed the "IBM Integration Bus". I assume by "integrating with RTC", you are referring to using RTC for source control of your IBM Integration Bus source artifacts? If so, this is described in the on-line help for the IBM Integration Bus:
In particular, the topic is: "Integrating the Rational Team Concert client" (but just search for "Rational Team Concert" in the on-line help search box, and it will find that page).
According to that help page, the supported version of RTC is 3.0. That's pretty darn old (:-). So, assuming you don't want to stay on RTC-3.0:
First check what version of Eclipse is used by the Integration Toolkit. In order to use a current version of RTC, it needs to be at least Eclipse 3.6. If it is 3.6 or later, you might be OK ... just try to install the 3.6 Eclipse version of the RTC client, and ask IM to install it into your Integration Toolkit instance of Eclipse (might have to uninstall the 3.0 RTC plug-in first).
If the Integration Toolkit only works with pre-3.6 Eclipse releases, then you would need to ask the IBM IB team to upgrade to a more current version of Eclipse.
As a workaround, if your developers have enough virtual memory to run two instances of Eclipse, they could just use a separate instance of Eclipse as your RTC SCM GUI ... you just need to remember to "refresh" your sandbox before doing any RTC operations, to pick up any source changes made by the Integration Toolkit.
In particular, the topic is: "Integrating the Rational Team Concert client" (but just search for "Rational Team Concert" in the on-line help search box, and it will find that page).
According to that help page, the supported version of RTC is 3.0. That's pretty darn old (:-). So, assuming you don't want to stay on RTC-3.0:
First check what version of Eclipse is used by the Integration Toolkit. In order to use a current version of RTC, it needs to be at least Eclipse 3.6. If it is 3.6 or later, you might be OK ... just try to install the 3.6 Eclipse version of the RTC client, and ask IM to install it into your Integration Toolkit instance of Eclipse (might have to uninstall the 3.0 RTC plug-in first).
If the Integration Toolkit only works with pre-3.6 Eclipse releases, then you would need to ask the IBM IB team to upgrade to a more current version of Eclipse.
As a workaround, if your developers have enough virtual memory to run two instances of Eclipse, they could just use a separate instance of Eclipse as your RTC SCM GUI ... you just need to remember to "refresh" your sandbox before doing any RTC operations, to pick up any source changes made by the Integration Toolkit.