When is Rational Team Concert supporting Windows Server 2012
4 answers
Here is the existing workitem: https://jazzdev.torolab.ibm.com:9443/jazz/web/projects/Jazz%20Collaborative%20ALM#action=com.ibm.team.workitem.viewWorkItem&id=230933
If you want to follow our system requirements backlog, monitor this dashboard: https://jazzdev.torolab.ibm.com:9443/jazz/web/projects/Jazz%20Collaborative%20ALM#action=com.ibm.team.dashboard.viewDashboard&tab=_79
If you want to follow our system requirements backlog, monitor this dashboard: https://jazzdev.torolab.ibm.com:9443/jazz/web/projects/Jazz%20Collaborative%20ALM#action=com.ibm.team.dashboard.viewDashboard&tab=_79
if above link is not working please try
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Support for Windows Server 2012 (230933)
I understand that Rational has not claimed the support of Windows Server 2012, but I was able to setup CLM 4.0.1 on Windows Server (Standard) 2012 with the following setting/env:
1) DB2 V9.7 FP7 for Windows X64 (DB2 claimed support for Windows Server 2012 at this FP Level)
2) WAS ND 8.5 FP 1 (CLM 2012 has not claimed the support of this)
3) CLM 4.0.1
4) MS AD server on Windows Server 2012, used by WAS ND and JTS
5) SMTP server on Windows Server 2012 (Deprecated), used by JTS
So far so good. I did not encounter issues yet with Sample CLM projects.
Of course, I won't put these into production since Rational does not claim the support yet.
1) DB2 V9.7 FP7 for Windows X64 (DB2 claimed support for Windows Server 2012 at this FP Level)
2) WAS ND 8.5 FP 1 (CLM 2012 has not claimed the support of this)
3) CLM 4.0.1
4) MS AD server on Windows Server 2012, used by WAS ND and JTS
5) SMTP server on Windows Server 2012 (Deprecated), used by JTS
So far so good. I did not encounter issues yet with Sample CLM projects.
Of course, I won't put these into production since Rational does not claim the support yet.