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Why do my custom ETLs take so long to run?

Authors: GeraldMitchell, StephanieBagot
Build basis: CLM 4.x, 5.x

This situation is to help determine causes where custom ETLs (Extract, Transform, Load) take significantly longer to run than expected.

Why do my custom ETLs take so long to run?

This situation is to help discovering ways to troubleshoot Custom ETLs in the situation where they seem to run longer than expected. This specific topic will cover instances when no error occurs.
If an error has occurred, navigate to the Long Running ETL with Error page.

Initial assessment

After you have completed the Initial Troubleshooting, and the Initial Assessment ETL specific questions, you have been unable to identify any errors or other unexpected behaviour which is causing the long running ETL. This page will help to point you to where to investigate next.

Possible causes and solutions

1. Running the latest ETLs will take advantage of any performance increases available in a later version. As an example, significant improvements were made to the performance of the general ETL processes between 3.x and 4.x including the processes running the custom ETLs. Future updates may also improve performance.

2. Using integrations such as Requisite Pro or ClearQuest, the order can have a significant impact on the amount of data loaded (or loaded twice). The order of the Data Collection Jobs should be set to gather the information for the integrations before the CLM application ETLs so that the links are retained, and that any custom ETLs come after the data used by that ETL has been processed by its dependencies.
This step will need to be completed by the administrator/creator of the custom ETLs. Since this is a custom ETL, we cannot provide any information on ensuring the configuration is 'correct' as we do not know the details.

3. Design the queries such that they run against the data warehouse instead of against the LIVE application database.

Also, any causes and solutions for the Out Of The Box ETL that are long running are relevant to Custom ETLs as well. For more information, see the following pages:
Yes, I found an error which could be causing the Long Running ETL OR No, I have not found any error causing the Long Running ETL

Custom ETL strategy

Considering the strategy of the ETL is important to the speed.

Example from RQM

The following example is from RQM but is applicable to any creation or modification of an ETL XDC. The default XDC for RQM prior to caused the ETLs to iterate over each project on the server one by one, thus retrieving resources individually for each project. With the newer XDC file, the ETL will retrieve resources of all projects areas in one pass. The results of this change is that there are not iterations to the driver, and so it removes the overhead of the iteration.

Because there is a driver associated with a retrieval that requires an initialization, there is an initialization overhead for every round-trip to the application server.
Every driver would have an initial start up overhead. There is also another overhead cost either an additional overhead per use or the same initial start up overhead. This depends on the native nature of the driver and the driver design. For all resources of one project, this overhead could add up quickly for each project.
In addition, creating the connection has networking overhead as well. The new ETL strategy was to minimize the server round-trips and therefore saves this initialization time. For many projects, this could save up to hours for every delta or full ETL run.
The disadvantage of having a comprehensive single resource load strategy is that in case of an error during the load, the subsequent reload after the error correction would require much more data than you would for a project by project approach where you would be able to pick up from the project that has failed.
In addition the affect of each pull to the database is not as controllable and the amount of data in a single pull is not as compacted, which for very large ETLs may cause a bandwidth related issue. Source: Release notes for reporting improvements in RQM

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