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Performance troubleshooting

Authors: PerformanceTroubleshootingTeam
Build basis: ELM 7.x and later

This page is the starting point for information and techniques to help diagnose performance issues when using the IBM Rational Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM) family of products (Rational Team Concert, Rational Requirements Composer, and Rational Quality Manager).

How to use this performance troubleshooting guide

The situations listed below are divided into two groups: situations likely to be encountered by administrators, and situations likely to be encountered by users of the CLM products.

If you are new to troubleshooting, see How to start a troubleshooting assessment, and Data Collection Basics. Also, take the time to review Common Jazz hardware configuration and performance impact overview and Must Gather for Performance problems in CLM.

Administrator situations

  • new16.pngOracle Must Gather will guide you on how to see problematic queries and the information IBM will need to process these
  • new16.pngDB2 Must Gather: similar to Oracle Must Gather, it will guide you on how to collect information for problematic queries on IBM DB2 Servers

User situations

Where do I go from here?

If you are unable to resolve your issue using online resources, open a service request with IBM Enterprise Software Support. For details, see Troubleshooting resources.

Additional contributors: DeniseMcKinnon, MichaelAfshar, MikeDelargy, StephanieBagot

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