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System Requirements for IBM Rational Systems and Software Engineering (SSE) 5.0, 5.0.1, and 5.0.2

SSE include Rational DOORS and DOORS Web Access, Rational DOORS Next Generation, Rational Team Concert, Rational Quality Manager, Rational Rhapsody, Rational Rhapsody Design Manager, Rational Engineering Lifecycle Manager
Build basis: SSE 5.0, 5.0.1, 5.0.2

For a short list of track changes to this article please see the bottom of this article.

For prior release requirements please see the specific articles for each version listed below:

  • The system requirements for SSE v4.0.3 were published in this article.
  • The system requirements for SSE v4.0.5 and v4.0.6 are published in this article.

CLM 5.0, 5.0.1, and 5.0.2 system requirements are published in this article.

  • This is the list of system requirements for *Rational systems and software engineering (SSE) 5.0, 5.0.1, and 5.0.2 incorporating:
Product SSE 5.0 Version SSE 5.0.1 Version SSE 5.0.2 Version
Rational DOORS and DOORS Web Access (DWA) 9.6 9.6.1
Rational DOORS Next Generation (DNG) 5.0 5.0.1 5.0.2
Rational Team Concert (RTC) 5.0 5.0.1 5.0.2
Rational Rhapsody 8.1 8.1.1 8.1.2
Rational Rhapsody Design Manager 5.0 5.0.1 5.0.2
Rational Engineering Lifecycle Manager (RELM) 5.0 5.0.1 5.0.2
* Please Note: From SSE 5.0 onward, Rational Requirements Composer (RRC) has been renamed to Rational DOORS Next Generation (RDNG).

The system requirements are broken down into various components. These are the most commonly supported platforms and middleware, for additional options please refer to the individual product system requirements. For recommended deployment topologies please refer to: https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Deployment/RecommendedSSEDeploymentTopologies

Please Note: From SSE 5.0 onwards, RDNG's data is no longer stored in the JTS database. Rather, RDNG's has it's own RM database. Because of this change in where the data is stored, the steps for the upgrade procedure significantly changed. Compared to the procedure to upgrade to version 4.x, the procedure to upgrade to version 5.0 or later from 4.x has more steps. Please see Migrating the RM application to V5 from V4.x: Tips, common problems, and workarounds and Running the RM upgrade script for version 5.0.

Please Note: Starting in RTC 5.0, you can choose to migrate data from an older version of the product to the latest product version while the production server is still online. This migration method is called pre-upgrade online migration. Before implementing an online migration, determine whether offline or online migration is warranted for your repository by running the migration estimation command and then checking the Rational Team Concert online migration test matrix for guidance on the results. If online migration is recommended for your repository, follow the detailed instructions in the Collaborative Lifecycle Management 5.0 Knowledge Center, Interactive upgrade guide, Collaborative Lifecycle Management 5.0.1 Knowledge Center, Interactive upgrade guide and Collaborative Lifecycle Management 5.0.2 Knowledge Center, Interactive upgrade guide respectively.

Please Note: When using an Oracle database for RTC, workspaces and streams become disconnected from internal configuration information during migration from RTC 4.x to RTC 5.0 or later, causing some of the SCM functionality to become unusable. Please see the NullPointerExceptions occur with Oracle DB after upgrade to Rational Team Concert 5.0 Technote for more information.

Please Note: Starting in SSE 5.0.2, Lifecycle Project Administration (LPA) is now a component of the Jazz Team Server (JTS). Prior to 5.0.2, it was a separate application. Because of this change, some steps of the upgrade procedure have changed. Please see Migrating the LPA application from 4.0.x, 5.0 or 5.0.1 to 5.0.2 or higher

A. Server Requirements

A1. Server Host Operating Systems

A1.1 Server Support

The operating systems below may be used to host SSE applications.
Server Operating System Server Version Notes
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Server 6 and future OS fixpacks 64 bit  
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11 and future OS fixpacks 64 bit  
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition and Standard Edition and future OS fixpacks 64 bit * This platform will EOS in Jan 2015, Please prepare to upgrade to 2012 prior to that date. Windows Server Lifecycle
Windows Server 2012 Datacenter and Standard Editions and future OS fixpacks 64 bit  
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard and Datacenter Edition and future OS fixpacks 64 bit * Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter and Standard Editions New for 5.0.1 and 5.0.2
* WAS supports Windows Sever 2012 R2 starting from version 8.5.5
* DB2 supports Windows Sever 2012 R2 starting from version

Server Host Operating System Notes
* "and future OS fixpacks" includes Service Releases (SR's) and Updates (RHEL). Fix pack is IBM terminology for a minor release that includes fixes (vs. features).

A2. Application Servers

A2.1 Application Server Support

The following application servers can be used to host SSE applications (non-clustered):

Application Servers Server Version Notes
WebSphere Application Server v8.5 x86-64 and future fixpacks Supported Please see "Bundling" Note below.
Please also see Note below for BIRT issue.
WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment v8.5 and future fixpacks Supported Non-clustered Only
WebSphere Application Server v8.5.5 x86-64 and future fixpacks Supported * New Bundle for v5.0
* Excludes the Liberty profile configuration option
WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment v8.5.5 and future fixpacks Supported * SSE supports WAS ND but not for high availability clustering
* Excludes the Liberty profile configuration option
Apache Tomcat 7.0.52 and future fixpacks Supported * Tomcat 7.0.52 is bundled with CLM 5.0
* Tomcat is not supported on IBM i
Apache Tomcat 7.0.54 and future fixpacks Supported * New Tomcat 7.0.54 is bundled with CLM 5.0.1 and 5.0.2
* Tomcat is not supported on IBM i

Application Server Notes
  • Bundling: WAS 8.5.5 and DB2 10.5 bundles are only available on Passport Advantage and in the CLM Media (not on Jazz.net). Customers upgrading from CLM 4.0.x are entitled to continue using WAS 8.0.x and 8.5 as long as CLM supports those versions.
  • WebSphere Application Server support for SSE is 64-bit only to align with 64-bit server platforms.
  • DOORS Web Access only supports Tomcat AppServer, no support for WebSphere Application Server is available
  • There is a known issue with BIRT reports running WAS v8.0.0.5 and before and v8.5.0.1 and before please see this Tech Note for WAS patch. This issue applies only to WAS 8.x and 8.5.x only. It is fixed WAS 8.5.5

A3. Databases

The following databases can be used to host SSE applications:

Database Server Notes
IBM Derby SDK and future fixpacks 64 bit For Evaluation purposes only - for small teams of 10 users or less)
CLM bundles Derby
IBM Derby SDK 10.10 and future fixpacks 64 bit * CLM bundles Derby 10.10 in 5.0.1 and 5.0.2
* For Evaluation purposes only, not supported by RRDI
(for small teams of 10 users or less)
IBM DB2 Enterprise Server Edition v10.5 and future fixpacks 64 bit * New version and bundled for v5.0
IBM DB2 Workgroup Server Edition v10.5 and future fixpacks 64 bit * New version and bundled for v5.0
* DB2 10.5 WSE will be bundled with the CLM 5.0 media
IBM DB2 Enterprise Server Edition v10.1 and future fixpacks 64 bit  
IBM DB2 Workgroup Server Edition v10.1 and future fixpacks 64 bit  
IBM DB2 Enterprise Server Edition v10.5 and future fixpacks 64 bit * New for 5.0 and bundled with CLM v5.0
IBM DB2 Workgroup Server Edition v10.5 and future fixpacks 64 bit * New for 5.0
Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Edition 2012 and future fixpacks 64 bit New version for SSE v5.0
Microsoft SQL Server Standard Edition 2012 and future fixpacks 64 bit New version for SSE v5.0
Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Edition 2014 and future fixpacks 64 bit * New version for SSE 5.0.2 only
Microsoft SQL Server Standard Edition 2014 and future fixpacks 64 bit * New version for SSE 5.0.2 only
Oracle Database 11g Standard Edition Release 2 and future fixpacks 64 bit  

Database Support Notes
  • Database support is 64-bit only to align with 64-bit server platforms.
  • WAS and DB2 bundles are only available on Passport Advantage and in the CLM Media (not on Jazz.net). Customers upgrading from CLM 3.0.1 and 4.0.X are entitled to continue using DB2 10.1 as long as SSE supports that version.

A4. Java Runtime Environment (Server)

JRE Notes
IBM Java SDK 6.0.15 iFix1 and future fixpacks * New version for SSE v5.0
* This is the bundled version of Java for the CLM Server
IBM Java SDK 6.0.16 and future fixpacks * New version for SSE v5.0.1
* This is the bundled version of Java for the CLM Server
IBM Java SDK 6.0.16 iFix 1 ( and future fixpacks * New version for SSE 5.0.2
* This is the bundled version of Java for the CLM Server

A5. Identity Management

  • Apache Directory Server 1.5.5
  • IBM Tivoli Directory Server 6.3
  • Microsoft Active Directory 2008 R2 Please note this version will EOS in January 2015 please plan to upgrade before that time.
  • Microsoft Active Directory 2012 New for v5.0.

A6. Installation Manager

  • IBM Installation Manager 1.7.3 New for v5.0.1
  • IBM Installation Manager 1.8 New version for v5.0.2 and bundled with CLM media.

A7. License Server

* Rational License Server 8.1.4 New for v5.0 and bundled with CLM media.

A8. HTTP Reverse Proxy Support

  • Apache Server 2.2.19 on RHEL and SLES [Non-secure Only (no HTTPS)]
  • IBM HTTP Server and future fixpacks
  • IBM HTTP Server and future fixpacks
  • IBM HTTP Server 8.5.5 and future fixpacks
  • Squid 3.3.3 for caching (see Using content caching proxies for Jazz Source Control).

B. Client Requirements

  • Reminder: The platforms listed below are the starting point for SSE support and unless otherwise indicated support includes this level and all future OS fixpacks. For RedHat Updates are equivalent to fix packs

B1. Client Operating Systems

Client Operating System DOORS Client Rhapsody Web Clients (Browsers) Notes
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Client 6 x86-32, x86-64 and future OS fixpacks Windows Only Supported Supported Please see Client OS Notes below
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Workstation 6 x86-32, x86-64 and future OS fixpacks Windows Only none Supported Please see Client OS Notes below
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (SLED) 11.0 x86-32, x86-64 and future OS fixpacks Windows Only Supported Supported Please see Client OS Notes below
Windows 7 Enterprise, Professional and Ultimate Editions and future OS fixpacks Supported Supported Supported  
Windows 8.1 Enterprise, Professional and Ultimate Editions and future OS fixpacks Supported Supported Supported * New version for v5.0
* Does not include Metro Support
* Supported for RTC Eclipse 4.2.2 client and higher

Client Operating System Notes

  • If you are running the Eclipse client on Linux please ensure that you have a compatible xulrunner or webkitgtk installed and configured on your system. Failure to do so can result in various issues including failure to start. See Article for additional details and instructions.
  • Smart Card Support for ALL CLM Products (Windows Only)
  • Supported only with IBM Rational Rhapsody Developer for C++, C, and Java. IBM Rational Rhapsody Developer for Ada and IBM Rational Rhapsody Developer supported only with Apex environment

B2. Browsers

Browser *Supported Notes
Firefox 24 ESR and future fixpacks Supported * See note below for mixed http/https content and self-signed certificates
* See note below for RM Graphical Editors
Firefox 31 ESR and future fixpacks Supported * Firefox 31 ESR for 5.0.1 and 5.0.2
* See note below for mixed http/https content and self-signed certificates
* See note below for RM Graphical Editors
*Google Chrome 34* Supported Except for DOORS Web Access * See note below for mixed http/https content and self-signed certificates
* See note below for RM Graphical Editors
Internet Explorer 9 and future fixpacks Supported
Internet Explorer 10 for the Desktop and future fixpacks Supported * RRDI supports IE10 in compatibility mode only (Cognos 10.2.x limitation)
* See note below for mixed http/https content and self-signed certificates
Internet Explorer 11 for the Desktop and future fixpacks Supported New version for v5.0
* See note below for mixed http/https content and self-signed certificates

Browser Support Notes

  • Please see these tech note articles for mixed http/https content and self-signed certificates which may result in content not being shown as expected.
  • The RDNG Graphical Editor is supported in 32-bit mode using Internet Explorer and Firefox on Windows (Only).
  • Macromedia Flash Player 10,11* and future releases, mods and fixpacks is supported for graphical view in Work Item Statistics dashboard viewlet

B3. Java SDK

  • | IBM Java SDK 6.0.15 iFix1* and future fixpacks | *New version for v5.0|
  • | IBM Java SDK 6.0.16* and future fixpacks | *New version for v5.0.1|
  • | IBM Java SDK 6.0.16 iFix 1 (* and future fixpacks | *New version for v5.0.2|

Java Runtime Notes

*FYI - the DOORS Client is based on C++ (and DXL) not Java based.

C. Related Articles

D. Summary of Updates by Release

D1. Additions

  • New for v5.0:
    • Windows 8.1 (Desktop)
    • Internet Explorer 11 - Compatibility Mode Only
    • WAS 8.5.5 (new bundle)
    • DB2 10.5 (and new bundle)
    • Java 6 SR15 FP1
    • IES 4.3.2 (RTC Client support)

* New for SSE 5.0.1

    • Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter and Standard Editions
    • Firefox 31 ESR
    • Tomcat 7.0.54 (Tomcat 7.0.52 is bundled with CLM 5.0)
    • IBM Java SDK 6.0.16

* New for SSE 5.0.2

    • Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Edition 2014
    • Microsoft SQL Server Standard Edition 2014
    • IBM Java SDK 6.0.16 iFix 1 (
    • IBM Installation Manager 1.8

* You will also see notes in the article above about intentions to drop these platforms:

    • Solaris - no new customers for 5.0, this platform will be dropped in a future release.
    • Windows Server 2008 R2 - this platform goes EOS in January 2015 please make plans to upgrade to Windows Server 2012 before that time.

For additional platform plans, pressures and drops information please see the CLM Platform Plans and Pressures Dashboard.

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