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r7 - 2014-05-09 - 16:37:39 - RosaNaranjoYou are here: TWiki >  Deployment Web > DeploymentInstallingUpgradingAndMigrating > RationalTeamConcertOnlineMigrationTestMatrix

new.png Rational Team Concert online migration test matrix

Authors: AndrewNiefer, LisaFrankel
Build basis: CLM 5.0

Page contents

Starting in Rational Team Concert V5.0, you can choose to migrate data from an older version of the product to the latest product version while the production server is still online. This migration method is called pre-upgrade online migration. Before implementing an online migration, determine whether offline or online migration is warranted for your repository by running the migration estimation command and then checking the following test results matrix for guidance on the results.

If online migration is recommended for your repository, follow the detailed instructions in the Collaborative Lifecycle Management V5.0 Knowledge Center, Interactive upgrade guide.

Testing matrix

Unless noted as a production migration, the following times were obtained on a Linux VM image with 2 CPUs and 16G RAM, running at 2.27GHz, with DB2 and the CCM server running on the same machine. The default parameters for the online miration command are priority=50 and numStatesPerRun=100.

Data Database Repository size Artifact counts
(migrating states / total)
(priority, numStatesPerRun)
Online migration time Additional offline time
Jazz.net CCM DB2 489GB 2.6M / 28M p=100, n=1000 9h 2h50m  
p=100, n=100 8h50m 2h50m  
p=50, n=100 (defaults) 12h 1h45m Production server migration
Jazzdev 02 DB2 179GB 658/10M defaults 2h 15m 1h Production server migration
SCM team test machine DB2 173GB 930K / 9.2M defaults 1h30m 25m  
Jazzdev 04 DB2   240k defaults 1h 20m Production server migration
JazzHub staging DB2 43GB 35k / 6M defaults 6m 9m Many small project areas

After an online migration has processed 1% of the states, an estimated completion time is displayed.

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Additional contributors: RosaNaranjo

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