This page provides potential reasons why latency occurs during user authentication into the IBM solution for Engineering Lifecycle Management (ELM) applications.
Understanding authentication within ELM applications
The user registry in the Jazz Team Server has two roles:
- Authentication
- Source of data about users (or "contributors")
It is important to understand that
all authentication and authorization comes from the application server (Apache Tomcat or IBM WebSphere Application Server) hosting the ELM applications,
NOT the Jazz Team Server itself. So any issues with Authentication should be addressed from the web container side. The Jazz API has implemented a way to pull data out of certain kinds of registries. Specifically, we can currently interface with Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) and the Tomcat user registry. We use this to populate our user database. Other APIs are used to keep the user database in sync with that of the LDAP provider.
Authentication process
After a user enters an ID and password at the log-in stage to the Jazz Team Server, the web container starts an LDAP session by connecting to an LDAP server. The BIND operation establishes the authentication state for a session and sends the binding user's ID and password to the LDAP server.
The LDAP server will then look up the LDAP registry tree to search for the user. The base distinguished name setting determines the starting point for LDAP searches in the directory services. For instance, if the base DN is set to the root DC level, the search will search the entire LDAP tree including all the sub level tree.
Once the user ID is found, the LDAP server typically checks the password against the userPassword attribute in the named entry and then sends the response back to the web container to indicate whether the authentication is succeed or not. If the LDAP server allows anonymous access and there is no binding ID and password provided, the authentication for the binding user ID will be omitted.
Once the connection is made, the search operation is repeated to authenticate the actual user's ID and send the response back to the container. This response is then passed onto the Jazz Team Server and reflected in the client.
Initial assessment
- When the user logs in, it takes awhile to receive a response and move to the application indicating that the user has successfully logged in.
- Alternatively, when the user logs in, it takes awhile to receive a response indicating that the authentication failed with "Invalid User ID or Password"
Note: This article will not discuss common errors when logging in, but rather address commonly seen issues where the response time is delayed indicating that authentication was successful or failed. |
The delay in response could occur any time that the user logs in, or when the repository permissions or licenses are challenged.
Recommended data analysis
Ensure you complete the
Troubleshooting Assessment to assess where the performance issue might reside.
For releases before ELM 7.0.1 SR1 / 7.0.2 SR1:
- You can turn on LDAP query trace from the Jazz Team Server to see if any of the responses are delayed. The trace is contained under the LDAP section in the file, located in
To enable it, remove the # side from the beginning of the log4j.logger line. #Turn on query trace against the LDAP server
- To turn on LDAP trace from Tomcat, open the following file:
and add the following trace org.apache.catalina.realm.level = ALL
org.apache.catalina.realm.useParentHandlers = true
org.apache.catalina.authenticator.level = ALL
org.apache.catalina.authenticator.useParentHandlers = true
- Use an LDAP browser and take a look at your LDAP configuration. Verify if there are multiple levels or if your username is configured within a subtree indicating that the LDAP search is traversing many branches.
For release ELM 7.0.1 SR1 / 7.0.2 SR1 and later:
- You can turn on LDAP query trace from the Jazz Team Server to see if any of the responses are delayed. The trace is contained under the LDAP section in the file, located in
To enable it, change the logger entry from : <!--Logger name="" level="DEBUG"-->
to: <Logger name="" level="DEBUG"/>
- To turn on LDAP trace from Tomcat, open the following file:
and add the following trace org.apache.catalina.realm.level = ALL
org.apache.catalina.realm.useParentHandlers = true
org.apache.catalina.authenticator.level = ALL
org.apache.catalina.authenticator.useParentHandlers = true
- Use an LDAP browser and take a look at your LDAP configuration. Verify if there are multiple levels or if your username is configured within a subtree indicating that the LDAP search is traversing many branches.
Possible causes or solutions
Known issue accessing 4.0.5 server with 3.0.x client
When accessing a version 4.0.5 server with a 3.0.x Eclipse client, users may experience severe performance issues logging in due to the changes between protocols in 3.x and 4.x. This is detailed in
Defect 289275: Performance impacted 100% by using 3.0.1 RTC client against RTC 4.0.5 server.
- Ensure your users are using the same version of client as your server is running
- To avoid issues such as this from occurring, Administrators can set the Version Compatibility Mode ( to STRICT in Advanced Properties to prevent older versions from connecting.
The location of your LDAP server could contribute to latency and longer time to authenticate.
Ensure that your LDAP server and application server hosting CLM applications are located relatively close to one another to mitigate any latency. Keeping them on the same LAN or even subnet is ideal.
LDAP configuration
In terms of the search operation, the more levels the LDAP Search traverses to match the user ID, the longer time it will take. Ideally, using one level searches instead of subtree ones are faster. Since it is unlikely you would change the structure of your LDAP, you can edit the user base configuration so that the search does not begin at the top level and the scope is more narrowed.
Tuning configuration
- If using WebSphere Application Server, review the LDAP settings article for recommendations on tuning.
- Tuning can also be done from the LDAP server to improve performance. Consult with your LDAP administrator before performing any tuning.
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