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How long do repotools -rebuildIndices take to run?
Accepted answer

Just look for this line in both your JTS and <app-specific> teamserver.properties, where app is ccm or qm:
Here is an excerpt from the v4.0.1 infocenter on verifying your index locations prior to upgrading:
Before you start the upgrade, verify that the index locations in the application's properties files are pointing to absolute paths on the file system, rather than relative paths.
- For Jazz Team Server, go to old_JTS_install_dir/server/conf/jts and open teamserver.properties file for editing.
- For Change and Configuration Management application, go to old_CCM_install_dir/server/conf/ccm and open teamserver.properties file for editing.
- Search for the com.ibm.team.fulltext.indexlocation line.
If the location is a relative path, the indices will be located relative to the WebSphere Application Server profile hosting the applications. Change the location to an absolute path:
- For Jazz Team Server, enter com.ibm.team.fulltext.indexLocation=WAS_Install_Dir/appServer/profiles/Appsrv01/conf/jts/indices/workitemindex where WAS_Install_Dir is the WebSphere Application Server installation directory and Appsrv01 is the application server profile name.
- For Change and Configuration Management application, enter com.ibm.team.fulltext.indexLocation=WAS_Install_Dir/appServer/profiles/Appsrv01/conf/ccm/indices/workitemindex where WAS_Install_Dir is the WebSphere Application Server installation directory and Appsrv01 is the application server profile name.
During the upgrade, after the properties are merged, the script opens the version 4.0.1 teamserver.properties file so that you can preview the properties. In the version 4.0.1 teamserver.properties file, change the location of the index files to an absolute path of a stable location on your drive. A stable location is a directory that will not be deleted when an application is uninstalled. The absolute stable location should look like this example:
- com.ibm.team.fulltext.indexLocation=JTS_4.0.1_install_dir/server/conf/jts/indices/workitemindex where JTS_4.0_install_dir is the location where Jazz Team Server 4.0.1 application is installed.
- com.ibm.team.fulltext.indexLocation=CCM_4.0.1_install_dir/server/conf/ccm/indices/workitemindex where CCM_4.0_install_dir is the location where Change and Configuration Management 4.0.1 application is installed.

Thank you for your append Rosa.
Just to clarify does the repotools -rebuildIndices command rebuild the database indices (i.e. DB2 indexes) or indices stored in the filesystem (as described above)?

The v4.0.1 infocenter has a topic for each of these commands.
rebuildindices == database indices.
rebuildtextindices == indices stored on the file system.
1 vote
4 other answers

I just did it a week ago.
- -renidex 9min50 sec
- -rebuildTextIndices 24sec (one NPE exception)
- -rebuildIndices 33sec
- -renidex 41sec
- -rebuildTextIndices 8h9min50sec
- -rebuildIndices crashed (open PMR)
- -rebuildClosureTable 1h6min50sec
On QM:
- -renidex 31sec
- -rebuildTextIndices 1min5sec
- -rebuildIndices 3min50sec
Sizing info of my environemnt:
- JTS DB about 2GB (incl. RM)
- CCM DB about 4GB
- QM Db about 1GB
- Application Server:
- Windows2008-R2/64
- 24GB Ram
- 4 core
- DB Server
- Windows 2008R2/64
- DB29.7
- 24GB Ram
- 4Core
- 1GB Network between the two servers
- The long time on CCM for the -rebuildTextIndices is suspect. This I will retry another weekend.
- open problems with NPW's on -rebuildIndices on CCM and JTS

I'm involved in a RTC 4.0.6 migration project,
these are the times of the repotools commands:
Hardware specifications:
WAS 8.5.5 + DB2 10.1 Server
RHEL 6.5 / 64 bits
2 CPU (4 cores) Pentium XEON 50110 1.6GHz
DD.BB Sizing:
JTS DB about 11GB
CCM DB about 48GB
./repotools-jts.sh -reindex --> 1 min.
./repotools-jts.sh -rebuildTextIndices --> 30 sec.
./repotools-jts.sh -rebuildIndices --> 30 sec.
./repotools-ccm.sh -reindex --> 55 min
./repotools-ccm.sh -rebuildTextIndices --> 40 min.
./repotools-ccm.sh -rebuildIndices --> 15 min.

please be careful which index command you run. One is creating the index on the database tables and typically not intended to be run by a user (I have been told). We are in the process of updating articles (the backup articles) and creating new content, based on recent information we gathered about the indexing story.
I can't give you an idea about how long it takes to recreate the indexes. I think you might have to try. It would be good if you measure how long it takes.
Here a summary of reindex commands with our latest information:
Recreate the Fulltext Index
You can recreate the Fulltext index files using the command:
repotools-${APP} -rebuildTextIndices
Recreate the JFS Index
You can recreate the JFS index files using the command:
repotools-${APP} -reindex all

I just realized you are missing the database indexes. I am unsure how that could have happened. I would suggest to talk to support to find out how that could have happened and be prevented to happen in the future.

Thanks for your reply, Ralph. All we need to do is rebuild the the indices using the -rebuildIndices option of the repotools command. I've done some further exploring. Sam had to do this on another repository last weekend it took about 15 minutes for the ccm application which comprised a 35GB database.
I am now running the same command on a 70GB database for another repository and will provide details of how long that takes.

The -rebuildIndices has completed on the 70GB /ccm database and it took about 30 minutes to run.
1 vote

Hi John, thanks for the update. I am still curious how comes the database indexes got messed up. Did anyone work directly on the database and changed policies or maintenance settings? Was this caused by an issue with the database? I just want to make sure this is not a symptom of a lingering problem somewhere.