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What are possible causes for RTC 4.0 performance issues ?

4 answers

firstly, could you please change the title of this topic to a question? It would be more appropriate to read something like: "What are possible causes for RTC 4.0 performance issues using browser XYZ?"
One thing I have observed in the past: if you are using Internet Explorer and you have no valid SSL certificate (or a self-signed certificate that you have not put into the trust store yet), the browser will behave really slugglish. Can you test if Firefox is behaving differently? If you make a self-signed certificate and put it into your trust store, does performance improve?
To find out more, please go to the project Dashboard, add widget and search for "performance". You will find the performance health measurement widget. Add, run and see if there are issues.
You can also use the Eclipse client and the Metronome to find the root cause, which calls are causing the performance issues.
- Arne


Hi Prasad,
the results show that the server / database connections are great.
Are you measuring from a browser started ON the server?
What are the measurements from a browser on a client pointing to the server?
It seems that the performance issue is likely with the browser and the javascript (the widgets etc. are basically javascript). Popup-blocker, Virus Scan, Browser plugins ... any of these are likely candidates I would look into.
- Arne

Hi Arne,

turned out the DNS function in my router was having trouble, and some change in the RTC code (server rename?) caused a significant number of new DNS lookups..
fixing the DNS problem fixed my RTC 4 performance issues.


I changed my router config to explicitly specify a dns server address, instead of passing the ISP provided address. I did not change any RTC config

I have CLM 4.0 installed in a VM, and have found that depending on my external network connection outside the VM, my internal performance of the CLM server will change.
I have also found that RTC Eclipse client connectivity doesn't ever seem to be affected, it's only when I use the web UI. I'm running Tomcat and Derby with lots of RAM and nothing ever shows as being under stress, when I am waiting for the browser the CPU load is nearly zero and the processes seem to be almost dead, like it's waiting for something...
I find it particularly on the first access - the certificate warning comes very quickly, but then it takes forever to show the "Loading..." page, and forever again to show the login screen, and then forever again to show the first dashboard. If I keep going it seems to get faster but I have had to abandon several demos because of it - very embarrassing!!

I just read the above Work Item:
This is EXACTLY what I see, right down to the conditions for network and the Eclipse client behaviour.