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Use Microsoft word document as a document template

orawan ju (1131) | asked May 20 '11, 12:19 a.m.
retagged Sep 23 '13, 11:16 a.m. by Ralph Earle (25739)

I want to have a upload/import Microsoft document as a template document in RRC. I want to insert some artifacts from RRC into MS word as well. Is there some ways to do this?

Is there any road map to be able to save "upload/import" MS word document as "document" artifacts in RRC?

Thanks in advance for any answer


4 answers

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Daniel Moul (4.9k1318) | answered May 20 '11, 8:13 a.m.
RRC V3 can import and translate into native RRC format docs in MS Word, RTF, and OpenDocument text (ODT) formats. Then the imported artifact can be saved as a doc template, other artifacts embedded in it (or vice versa).

I don't believe it's possible to include as artifact templates files of other tools/formats. It might be possible to include files from Word or other tools in a RRC project template (I'm not sure; I haven't tried this).

There is no plan to embed RRC native artifacts in Word docs or Word docs in RRC artifacts. RRC's approach is to make it possible for non-native file types to be stored in a RRC repository, given attributes, commented upon, included in collections ... but not edited with RRC. An external program is launched to view/edit non-native file types.

RRC can generate documents in Word format (and PDF and HTML and XSL-FO). It does this using templates that can combine multiple RRC artifacts into one document.

One of the advantages of RRC is that it can help teams reduce their dependency on Word documents and remove some of the constraints in working in monolithic documents, which are like "information islands".

So the model with RRC is as follows:
    * Import from Word to get your information in RRC native format (or import in CSV file or enter it in the RRC web UI)
    * Break up large docs into smaller separately-manageable chunks (each with attributes, etc).
    * Embed them in each other as necessary according to you "requirements information model"
    * Do your analysis and and "management" on the level of the chunks
    * Reuse these chunks, for example embedding a business rule in more than one requirements specification
    * Put the chunks together in a generated document when you need one.

You are welcome to open one or more enhancement requests in our work item system for the items you mention; if you do so, it would help if you could document the scenarios your are trying to accomplish and why they are important.

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orawan ju (1131) | answered May 24 '11, 4:48 a.m.
Thanks, dmoul for your answer.

I did try to download RRC 3.0.1 RC3 and tested by importing and converting feature function.
It keeps showing me this error when I try to convert MS Word -> Doc artifact.
My MS word is very plain. There is only word "test" inside. I'm quite sure that the file does not corrupt coz I open this file via RRC web is ok.

ID CRRRW7573E A server error was received while importing the Microsoft Word document.

Message: Conversion Error
Details: Fatal errors during conversion: The document appears to be corrupted and cannot be loaded.

Any idea how to solve this error? Appreciate for your help.

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orawan ju (1131) | answered May 24 '11, 5:18 a.m.
I found the problem now.
I can convert the file successfully with MS 2007 uploaded file.

The error message was thrown when I tried with MS 2003 uploaded file.

Thanks, dmoul for your answer.

I did try to download RRC 3.0.1 RC3 and tested by importing and converting feature function.
It keeps showing me this error when I try to convert MS Word -> Doc artifact.
My MS word is very plain. There is only word "test" inside. I'm quite sure that the file does not corrupt coz I open this file via RRC web is ok.

ID CRRRW7573E A server error was received while importing the Microsoft Word document.

Message: Conversion Error
Details: Fatal errors during conversion: The document appears to be corrupted and cannot be loaded.

Any idea how to solve this error? Appreciate for your help.

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Robin Bater (3.4k47) | answered May 27 '11, 9:15 a.m.
I found the problem now.
I can convert the file successfully with MS 2007 uploaded file.

The error message was thrown when I tried with MS 2003 uploaded file.

Thanks, dmoul for your answer.

I did try to download RRC 3.0.1 RC3 and tested by importing and converting feature function.
It keeps showing me this error when I try to convert MS Word -> Doc artifact.
My MS word is very plain. There is only word "test" inside. I'm quite sure that the file does not corrupt coz I open this file via RRC web is ok.

ID CRRRW7573E A server error was received while importing the Microsoft Word document.

Message: Conversion Error
Details: Fatal errors during conversion: The document appears to be corrupted and cannot be loaded.

Any idea how to solve this error? Appreciate for your help.

Please can you raise a defect work item, attaching your MS 2003 word document, as the import should work.

Many thanks

Dave Evans commented Sep 17 '13, 4:11 p.m.

I ran across the same issue, except it was with a Word 2007 document. I made sure to keep the document as it was and linked it in a new defect:

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