Any log we have missed in looking for the last drop which broke the camel back, crashing the RTC server host ?
We have the JTS, RTC and RRC on a Windows server VM with SQL server DB on a separate server via Tomcat.
Last night (or rather early this morning) the host went down and (apparently) restarted on its own, fully up in less than 4 minutes.
The Windows System event log clearly showed:
1:28:09 AM Error: The previous system shutdown at 1:25:33 AM on 6/10/2014 was unexpected.
1:28:00 AM Critical: The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly.
with a
1:28:00 AM Warning: VMDebug driver (version was not enabled. This driver is required by the replay debugging feature of VMware Workstation. If you are using other VMware products or not using replay debugging, please ignore this message
We checked all the Tomcat logs, jts.log and ccm.log (can't find rm.log physically or on the 4jlog file), either the file timestamps or their contents timestamps corroborated the down time. But we cannot find any error towards why the server host went down.
Are there any other logs we could look for that elusive cause, or could we have turned on some extra logs or options to obtain the necessary debug infos (for the future) ?
Accepted answer
You are checking the application logs (catalina.log, jts.log and ccm.log) that contain no information about the system crash. From what you stated, the crash was a Windows OS crash. You may find the minidump related to the crash, but you may have to contact Microsoft to understand what information the minidump really contains.