RRC Text Document Importer not working properly
I am having some difficulty getting the RRC Importer to work when trying the option 'Import requirements from within a text document'.
I am trying to import a Word Document that contains 'shall' statements. My desire is to capture each 'paragraph' with the word 'shall' and to ignore all 'Headings', 'Images' and 'All Other Text'.
The Import Wizard will not let me set 'Headings', 'Images' or 'All Other Text' to None or leave it blank. If forces me to put a value or uses the default Artifact Type.
I tried deleting all Headings, and Images from the document, which is a pain, but fixes everything but Paragraphs that have a bulleted or numbered list. It treats the bulleted list as another paragraph and imports because I cannot set 'All Other Text' to 'None' or blank.
For example:
<Heading> Import Requirements
The system shall import RTF documents.
The system shall import Word documents.
The system shall parse requirements at the following levels:
a. Sentence
b. Paragraph
The result of importing the above example would be the creation of 5 requirements instead of the desired 3.
I am using, does anyone know if these are known bugs, limitations or just user error? I have hundreds of requirements to import with lots of headings and bulleted lists.
Thanks in advance,
Accepted answer
Hello Rob,
I have just tried this in version, and indeed you cannot select "None" in the import wizard. I then tested the same thing in the recently released version 4.0.2, and there you have a much greater choice as to which type of artifact to create, including "None". I tested this with a word document structured like the one you quoted above and as expected it created 3 artifacts if I specified the keyword "shall" during the import and left all others at "None".
To cut a long story short, I'd recommend upgrading to 4.0.2 to get this capability.
Technical Support Engineer
IBM Rational Client Support Europe
One other answer
Thanks so much for the quick answer! I apologize for putting this in an 'answer', it won't let me post a comment for some reason(?). But I am curious whether or not the bulleted list imported as part of the 'shall' statement?
Thanks so much for the quick answer! I apologize for putting this in an 'answer', it won't let me post a comment for some reason(?). But I am curious whether or not the bulleted list imported as part of the 'shall' statement?
Hi Rob,
I just checked again, but unfortunately the bulleted list is not imported as part of the third artifact.
Let me see if I can find any existing defects or enhancement requests describing this.
Technical Support Engineer
IBM Rational Client Support Europe
Hi again Rob,
It appears that this is a known limitation for which there is an internal enhancement request. Unfortunately there's no ETA yet.
Technical Support Engineer
IBM Rational Client Support Europe