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Document import does not get through step 4

Rick Hul (1111) | asked Mar 24 '15, 11:38 a.m.
In a new Rational Doors Next Gen environment (V5.0.2), I'm trying to "Import requirements from within a text document". To try out this function, I'm using a very small .doc file, containing no more than 2 sentences.

In step 2, I select to import the requirements and create a module.
In step 3, I specify the word 'shall' to be a 'Business requirement' artifact. All other sentences are 'Information' artifacts.
In Step 4, The extraction process starts, but never completes. The progress remains at 0%, even after 30 minutes. When I'm looking at the demo video, I would expect that the tool will indicate the number of artifacts per artifact type. But for me, the extraction process just hangs.

Does anyone have a resolution for this issue?

Best regards,
Rick Hul

One answer

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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Mar 24 '15, 6:00 p.m.

If you collect a browser har file, usually you may see the repeated GET commands when running step 4. it could have some thread hanging in the import process. Restarting RM server would help in some situation. If that does not help, you need to contact IBM client support, further server debug log should be collected to determine the cause.

Rick Hul commented Mar 30 '15, 4:41 a.m. | edited May 22 '15, 4:12 p.m.

Thanks Don.
I contacted our support team to restart the RM server. Unfortunately that didn't work.
Log files didn't provide any more details.
To make a long story short: IBM Rational team advised to clear the WAS temp cache.
That happened over the weekend and after another restart, the problem disappeared.

Don Yang commented Mar 30 '15, 4:59 a.m.

Thanks for sharing the resolutions. That is another tip now.

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