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Moving / Copying requirements across projects in RRC

Pradeep Gajjar (621) | asked Jul 19 '10, 6:32 p.m.
I am using RRC
1. Does RRC have functionality to move or copy a requirement from one project to another?
2. Does it have functionality to link requirements across projects? i.e. Can Req A in Project A be linked to Req B in Project B under the same repository?

2 answers

permanent link
Benjamin Silverman (4.1k610) | answered Jul 19 '10, 7:50 p.m.
You can do both of these things fairly easily using RRC. As for moving or copying requirements from one project to another, you can select artifacts to download to an archive file, and then upload that archive to another project (using File -> Upload, or File -> Download, or right-click menus).

As for linking across projects, this can be done very easily. When you create a link from an artifact, the dialog you are presented with allows you to select artifacts from any other RRC project (as well as artifacts from RTC/RQM projects if you have the C/ALM integration configured).

Hope it helps,

permanent link
Daniel Moul (4.9k1318) | answered Jul 20 '10, 7:37 a.m.
One limitation at the moment: an archive of artifacts from Project A does not keep any links that might exist between those artifacts and other artifacts in other projects.

I believe there is an enhancement request open for this.

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